Computational and Applied Mathematics Specialization
Required Courses (6 hours): MATH 462 and MATH 464
Electives (18 to 21 hours): Electives may be selected from 400- and 500-level MATH, STAT, or OR courses. MATH 550 and 567, STAT 575, and OR 587ab are recommended.
Thesis or research paper (3 to 6 hours): MATH 599 (Thesis), or MATH 595 (Special Project). Students in the computational and applied mathematics specialization may substitute additional 500-level course work for the thesis or research paper to complete the 30-hour requirement for the degree. Students who select this course option must pass a comprehensive exam covering three 500-level MATH, STAT, or OR courses chosen jointly by the student and advisor.
The 400-level required courses are waived for students who have completed these courses as undergraduates, although graduate credit cannot be given for courses taken as an undergraduate.