Dr. Adriana E. Martinez
Ph.D. University of Oregon, 2013
Professor - Physical geography, fluvial geomorphology, riparian zones, GIS
Alumni Hall 1413
Email: adrmart@siue.edu
Research Interests
Dr. Adriana E. Martinez's research focuses on the influence of human activities along river systems. She most recently studied the interactions between invasive riparian vegetation and stream channels. Vegetation influences river systems, through the interruption and channeling of flow, and is influenced by rivers, through the timing and regularity of inundation and nutrient fluxes. The resurgence of this science, biogeomorphology, is helping researchers better understand river systems and ultimately, helping us more efficiently and effectively restore rivers that have been significantly altered by human practices.
Selected Publications
Martinez, Adriana E. and Walther, Rachel.. 2018. “Approaches to Stream Restoration: Practices in Missouri and Illinois,” Illinois Geographer, 59 (1): 67-100.
AP GIS&T Study Group.* 2018. “Bridging High School and Introductory Undergraduate Courses in Geographic Information Science and Technology,” Journal of Geography, 0: 1-9.
- *AAG Study Group for AP GIS&T included: Alqvist, O, Cassetta, D., Housel, J., Huyn, Niem, Keen, J., Luebbering, C., Martinez, A.E., Shultz, R., and Solem, M.
Guehlstorf, Nicholas P. and Martinez, Adriana E. “Threats to Wetlands without Federal Protections: State Reactions to Conserving Seasonal Wetlands along the Mississippi River,” Conservation and Society, Accepted.
Martinez, Adriana E., Adeyemo, Ayomipo, and Walther, Suzanne C. 2018 “Riparian Vegetation and Digitized Channel Variable Changes After Stream Impoundment: The Provo River and Jordanelle Reservoir.” International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 9 (1).
Martinez, Adriana E. 2017. “Sensitivity of Modeled Channel Hydraulic Variables to Invasive and Native Riparian Vegetation,” International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 8 (4).
Martinez, Adriana E. and McDowell, Patricia F., 2016. “Invasive Reed Canarygrass (P. arundinacea) and Native Vegetation Channel Roughness” Invasive Plant Science and Management, Vol 9 (1).
Martinez, Adriana E., Hardwick, Susan H., 2010. Building Fences: Undocumented Immigration and Identity in a Small Border Town. Focus on Geography, 52 (3-4) 48-55.
Martinez, Adriana E., Williams, N.A., Metoyer, S.K., Morris, J. N., Berhane, S.A., 2009. A Geospatial Scavenger Hunt. Science Scope. 32(6) 48-53.
Chin, Anne, Laurencio, Laura, and Martinez, Adriana E., 2008. The Hydrologic Impacts of Small- and Medium-sized Dams. The Professional Geographer. 60(2) 238-251.