Dr. Randy Pearson
Ph.D. Indiana State University, 1993
Professor - Remote sensing and digital image processing, Geographic Information Systems, physical geology and geography
Alumni Hall 1318
(618) 650-2278 (GeoMARC)
Selected Publications
Pearson, Randall Ph.D; Joshua Pritsolas; Ken Copenhaver; Steffen Mueller Ph.D. 2020. Assessment of the National Resources Inventory (NRI), the Census of Agriculture, the Cropland Data Layer (CDL), and Demand Drivers for Quantifying Land Cover/Use Change. The Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago. March 25, 2020, Chicago, Illinois. https://erc.uic.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/633/2021/06/LUC_Report_Version-3_25_2020_Updated.pdf.
Werle, R., R. Pearson, J. Pritsolas, M. Oliveira and R. Rector. 2020. “Aerial Imagery as a Potential Tool to Evaluate Dicamba Off-Target Movement in Soybeans.” 60th Weed Science Society of America and Western Society of Weed Science, March 4.
Pritsolas, J., A. Prestholt, P. Kyveryga, and R. Pearson. 2019. “Quality of Digital Aerial Imagery and Implications for Various Uses in Agriculture.” In Proceedings of the 31st Integrated Crop Management Conference: 31-41.
Pritsolas, J. and R. Pearson. 2019. “Critical Review of Supporting Literature on Land Use Change in the EPA’s Second Triennial Report to Congress.” Renewable Fuels Association, July News Release. https://ethanolrfa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/SIUE-Review-of-Land-Use-Change-Literature-07-2019.pdf.
Pritsolas, J., and R. Pearson. 2018. “Mapping Off-Target Movement of Dicamba.” Bayer Academic Summit, November 8.
Pritsolas, J., and R. Pearson. 2018. “An Assessment of Vegetation Indices’ Relationship to Crop Yield.” Iowa Soybean Association Annual Research Conference, February 7.
Pritsolas, J., and R. Pearson. 2018. “From Satellites to Drones: The Evolution of Remote Sensing in Agriculture.” Indiana Soil and Water Conservation Districts Annual Conference, January 8, 2018.
Pearson R., J. Pritsolas, and P. Kyveryga. 2018. “Differences Between Calibrated and Uncalibrated Aerial Imagery.” Iowa Soybean Association Newsroom, July Edition. https://www.iasoybeans.com/news/articles/ differences-between-calibrated-and-uncalibrated-aerial-imagery/.