Dr. Bryan K. Smith, CSCS
Associate Professor
( e-mail)
PhD, 2011, University of Missouri
Weight Management, Energy Balance, and the measurement of Physical Activity
VC, Room 2609
About Dr. Smith
Dr. Bryan Smith joined SIUE as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education in August of 2011. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, his Master's degree in Biomechanics, and his PhD in Exercise Physiology all from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Upon completion of his postdoctoral training at the University of Kansas, Dr. Smith was promoted to Assistant Research Scientist. For the past 14 years, Dr. Smith has participated in research that focused on weight management and the measurement of energy expenditure and energy intake.
Research Profile:
Dr. Smith's current research interests include the role of planned exercise on energy intake and the use of technology to remotely measure energy expenditure, physical activity, and energy intake. Dr. Smith has over 54 peer reviewed articles and 76 published abstracts which were presented at local and national conferences. He is a professional member of the American College of Sports Medicine, and the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Dr. Smith also is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
Dr. Smith teaches Strength and Conditioning (KIN 319), Exercise Physiology (KIN350), and Exercise Assessment and Programming (KIN416 and KIN514).
Herrick J, Kirk EP, Holly MR, Smith BK, Wooten JW. Diastolic blood pressure is predictive of an elevated ventilator efficiency slope in at-risk middle-aged obese adults that are asymptomatic for heart disease. J Cardiovasc Dis Resc 5:1 7-14, 2014.
Sullivan DK, Goetz J, Gibson C, Washburn R, Smith B, Donnelly JE. Improving weight maintenance with virtual reality (Second Life®). J Nutr Educ Behav. 45(3):264-8, 2013.
Donnelly JE, Goetz J, Gibson C, Sullivan DK, Lee R, Smith BK, Lambourne K, Mayo MS, Hunt S, Lee JH, Honas JJ, Washburn. Equivalent weight loss for weight management programs delivered by phone and clinic. Obesity, 21(10):1951-1959, 2013.
Donnelly JE, Honas JJ, Smith BK, Mayo MS, Gibson CA, Sullivan DK, Lee J, Herrmann SD, Lambourne K, Washburn RA. Aerobic exercise alone results in clinically significant weight loss for men and women: Midwest Exercise Trial-2 (MET-2), Obesity. 21(3):E218-29, 2013.
Lambourne K, Washburn RA, Betts JL, Lee J, Thomas T, Smith BK, Donnelly JE. A 6-month trial of resistance training with milk supplementation in adolescents: Effects on body composition. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 23(4):344-56, 2013.