Welcome to the Environmental Resources Training Center!
People who operate, maintain and manage drinking water and wastewater treatment systems are responsible for protecting the health and welfare of the population. They must ensure that the treatment system is operating properly to produce safe drinking water or quality discharges into a river, lake or stream. Because of the responsibility involved, Illinois, and most other states, has certification requirements for operating a treatment system.The demand for safe drinking water and quality recreational waters is continually rising. As a result, the need for operators of drinking water and wastewater treatment systems can be expected to increase. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has indicated that Illinois may need as many as 400 additional operators each year, confirming water treatment as a viable and exciting career path.
The Environmental Resources Training Center (ERTC) offers a program that consists of two semesters of operations training, followed by a ten-week internship at a treatment plant. Graduates are eligible to take Illinois and Missouri certification exams to become certified as public drinking water supply operators and wastewater operators. Enroll today!
Online Payment & Registration is now available for all courses, renewals and workshops.