Activity Report Information - Graduate Assistants
This page provides guidance to graduate assistants for assigning activities on Activity Reports.
Teaching & Related Activities:
- Teaching of SIUE students: Graduate teaching assistants can only report certain kinds of teaching and each department has its own policy on which kind of teaching can be reported. Contact your department chair, fiscal officer, or support staff to make this determination. If your department determines that you perform the essential teaching activities for a course, you should enter those activities as Direct Teaching. If your department determines that you do not perform this essential level of activity, you should enter your teaching activities as Indirect Teaching and split your hours within those categories on the basis of the students you taught.
When reporting Direct Teaching, you should include the subject, course number, and course section number for any courses you were responsible for teaching or for which you were an instructor of record.
For-degree-credit courses are any that can produce student credit hours toward an SIUE degree. Examples include but are not limited to lectures, labs, studios, clinics, independent studies, seminars, colloquiums, etc.
- Student Advisement: Any advisement of SIUE students should be recorded at the appropriate level of Indirect Teaching.
- Course Grading and Evaluation: If this activity is for a course you did not directly teach in this term, you should record these activities at the appropriate level of Indirect Teaching.
- Laboratory, Clinic, or Studio Preparation/Procurement of Supplies: As support for academic programs, these activities should be recorded as Indirect Teaching at the appropriate level.
- Other Student Academic Support Activities: All other activities in support of student academic and instructional programs should be recorded at the appropriate level of Indirect Teaching.
- Not-for-Credit and Non-SIUE Teaching: Teaching of non-SIUE students or teaching non-credit courses should be reported as Public Service. Any teaching you perform as part of a contract with a non-SIUE organization should also be reported as Public Service.
- Non-Academic Student Support: Support of SIUE student activities and services beyond the scope of a specific course or academic program should be reported as Administration & Other Activities Not Elsewhere Classified.
Research & Scholarship Activities:
- Grant (or External Award or Competitively Funded) Research: Only research that is funded by a competitive research grant or an external award may be entered as Organized Research. If you are funded from such a grant or award, click here for additional information for completing your activity report on those accounts.
- Professional Writing: Professional writing in your field should be recorded as Creative Activities unless it is performed as part of a grant or external award (which would be Organized Research).
- Visual or Performing Arts Activities: Include any visual or performing arts activities that you did as part of your normal faculty assignment as Creative Activities. Again, if it is done as part of a grant or external award, you should instead record it as Organized Research.
- Research and Scholarship: Any other research or scholarly work that is performed as part of your normal assignment should be recorded as Departmental Research. If you didn't perform these activities on a grant or external award account, you should report them as Departmental Research.
Service Activities:
- Teaching Below College Level: Any instructional activities that involves students below college-level or for non-SIUE courses should be recorded as Public Service.
- Non-Credit Contract Training: Any teaching activities that are part of a non-credit course or for contract training of non-SIUE students should be recorded as Public Service.
Administration & Other Activities:
- Other University Activities: All other activities that do not fall under the categories of instruction, research, or service are considered administrative. You should report these activities as Administration & Other Activities Not Elsewhere Classified.
- Non-University Activities: Any professional activities that you were not assigned or paid by the university to perform should be recorded as Non-University Professional Activity. All non-university activities that are not performed at a professional level should be excluded from the activity report entirely.