All classrooms being used for face-to-face instruction in fall have all the standard smart classroom equipment including microphones, webcams, document cameras, smart monitors, and necessary software. They are also configured to allow for all contingencies including recording of lectures, live asynchronous lectures, hi-flex models, hybrid, and traditional face-to-face instruction. Non-traditional teaching spaces will also be leveraged in fall because of current COVID19 capacity and social distancing guidelines. These spaces will also contain all necessary equipment. ITS labs and classrooms will contain sanitizing supplies for cleaning between uses. Additional requests can be made through your department chair, dean, and to ITS using the SIUE Equipment Request Form. For additional information on specific classroom technology visit our COVID Classroom Technology Guide.
Here are some resources to help faculty plan and revise courses, find suitable technology, remove learning barriers, and build high-quality learning environments. You are welcome to use these documents, share them with colleagues, or contact IDLT for assistance.
Teaching in the classrooms
Teaching at home
The SIUE campus is open and fully operational and faculty are welcome to utilize their office space as needed to fulfill their teaching, service, and research assignments. However, many faculty members will be teaching remotely.
Faculty who have made arrangements with their Chair to work remotely may elect to “check-out” the technology from their campus office and take it to an alternate work location.
If electing to do this, faculty are required to complete the SIUE Remote Work Equipment Loan Form. This information is sent to your department chair, dean, campus inventory control, ITS, and the Provost Office.
To help ensure staff have access to the resources they need, ITS has upgraded the WebSafe VPN to include additional access and help enable SIUE-owned computers to be used at home, without “remoting” into a 2nd machine. To sign up for new remote access, or to request access to additional resources please use this form. Access to some thing (Banner INB) for example, require additional permissions. Please make sure to use the special request section of the form to describe what you need.
Additional requests can be made through your department chair, dean, and to ITS using the SIUE Equipment Request Form.
Quick Steps to Moving Online
When having to move online quickly, consider these points before moving forward.
New to These Tools?
Visit the Intro to Blackboard Course for a brief walk-through of Blackboard. See the following sections for more details. Additionally, there is virtual training for Zoom and TechSmith Relay.
Technical Support
ITS is available to provide support. Our Help Desk is here 24/7 for all your campus and technical needs, including Office 365 (OneDrive, Teams, email, etc.). The ITS Instructional Design & Learning Technologies group is here to support you in your learning technology's needs, including Blackboard and Zoom support.
Strategies for Moving Online
The following are strategies for moving classroom activities to online: Blackboard Course Shells, Format, Template, Lectures, Readings, Other Course Materials, Best Practices/Resources
Syllabus, In-class announcements, Email, In-class discussion, Office hours, Best Practices/Resources
Written papers or other general assignments, Groups and group assignments, Exams/Quizzes/Tests, Student Presentations, Best Practices/Resources.
Webinar Recordings
Introduction to Blackboard, Introduction to Zoom, TechSmith Relay, Microsoft Teams, & Microsoft Teams Calling.