The SIUE campus is open and fully operational and staff are welcome to utilize their office space as needed to perform their job-related responsibilities. However, many staff members will be working remotely.
Staff who have made arrangements with their supervisor or director to work remotely may elect to “check-out” technology from their campus office and take it to an alternate work location.
If electing to do this, staff are required to complete the SIUE Remote Work Equipment Loan Form. This information is sent to your supervisor, director, campus inventory control, and ITS.
To help ensure staff have access to the resources they need, ITS has upgraded the WebSafe VPN to include additional access and help enable SIUE-owned computers to be used at home, without “remoting” into a 2nd machine. To sign up for new remote access, or to request access to additional resources please use this form. Access to some thing (Banner INB) for example, require additional permissions. Please make sure to use the special request section of the form to describe what you need.
Additional requests can be made through your supervisor, director, and to ITS using the SIUE Equipment Request Form.