Electronic Media Copy Policy
This policy governs copying of electronic media by Information Technology Services (ITS) employees for non-ITS employees and for students.
- The client must supply the media. ITS does not sell or otherwise distribute blank media.
ITS employees may copy:
- Distribution disks of freely-available operating systems such as Linux and FreeBSD.
- Distribution disks available under SIUE's Microsoft Campus Agreement and Novell contract. Care should be taken to copy only those disks with serial numbers corresponding to the respective contracts.
- Anything for which the client clearly holds the copyright such as class, research, or field notes, syllabi, and other original material.
- One archival copy of an original software distribution disk provided the license allows such copying and the client is the license holder.
ITS employees may not copy or allow to be copied on ITS equipment:
- Audio CDs
- Except for purposes mentioned above, any commercial software.
- Materials not authored by the client, unless copying is permissible under applicable copyright and contract law.
Questions about copying should be referred to the Director of ITS.