Research and Export Control
University Policies and Guidelines Concerning Research and Creative Activities - 1M4
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville affords as one of its primary functions, programs in applied and basic research and creative activities. The University, as such, is a community of scholars striving to advance human knowledge in an atmosphere of open inquiry and free expression. All faculty members are expected to participate in scholarly activities, otherwise known as research and creative activities. Furthermore, such activity is expected to proceed with regard both for the truth and the well-being of all living creatures who might serve as objects of study or who might benefit from the results. Recognition of individual scholars who have demonstrated meritorious work is essential at all University levels. The University recognizes the desirability of supporting scholarly activities through the provisions of material resources, space, and assigned time.
- The responsibility for coordinating the scholarly activities program of the University is delegated by the Chancellor, through the Provost, to the Associate Provost for Research, who reports to the Chancellor through the Provost.
- The Provost shall on an annual basis review resources allocated by the units to scholarly activities. The Provost in concert with deans, directors, and chairs shall encourage equitable support within the units for scholarly activities, such support being consonant with the mission and resources of the University. The Provost shall encourage and support units in their attempt to secure external resources for their scholarly activities. The Provost shall advise the Chancellor on general budget requirements for scholarly activities.
- The provisions of duly executed appointments, grants, contracts, awards, and other mechanisms involving the assignment of University personnel or resources will be honored.
- Each researcher will abide by relevant Board of Trustees and University policies. The terms, conditions, and legal mandates governing sponsored projects will be honored by those participating in such arrangements.
- The faculty of each unit shall formulate internal policy regarding scholarly activities. Unit policies shall be consistent with University and Board policies and with the mission of the University. Unit policies shall delineate types of scholarly activities that qualify for unit support, criteria and procedures for allocating unit resources to scholarly activities within budget guidelines, and the criteria and procedures for assessing and rewarding scholarly achievements. Unit policies shall be made available to the Provost and to the Associate Provost for Research.
- Each unit shall maintain and annually update records with regard to the scholarly achievements of the personnel in the unit. These records shall be accessible to those having legitimate roles in the allocation of resources to scholarly activities and to those making recommendations on promotion, tenure, and salary adjustments of faculty.
- The Graduate School shall annually report, based on data from the units, information on indirect cost recovery expenditures for scholarly activities during the prior year. Copies of this report shall be available to the University community.
- On a periodic basis the Graduate School, in conjunction with the Graduate Council, shall review the status of scholarly activity in the various units. This review should be a part of the program review process. Recommendations from these reviews shall be forwarded to the affected unit, to the Provost, and to the Chancellor. The Provost shall be responsible, along with the unit supervisor, for implementation of appropriate recommendations.
- Appropriate guidelines to implement this policy shall be established by the Graduate School in consultation with the Graduate Council.
Approved by Chancellor effective 3/15/24
This policy was issued on March 20, 2024, replacing the June 16, 2016 version.
Document Reference: 1M4
Origin: GC 1-82/83; OP 11/5/90; GR 15/16-11; GR 23/24-02