Research and Export Control
Guidelines for Faculty Exchange with Industry - 1M6
- Purpose
To provide an overall framework to facilitate exchanges with industry - faculty appointments for industry scientists, executives, and other professionals, and industry appointments for University faculty - as a basis for closer cooperation in research, teaching, and public service. - Appointments for Industry Executives, Scientists, and Other Professionals
- Adjunct (Assistant, Associate, Full) Professorships. Honorary appointments with or without honoraria that can strengthen the University's relationships with individuals or companies, recognize significant contributions to the University, and enable the University to utilize special expertise. Adjunct Professors have limited duties, such as but not limited to presenting occasional guest lectures, participating in special University events, and informally advising students. They would also receive appropriate benefits, such as but not limited to library privileges, parking privileges, and office space (if available).
Appointments would be made upon the recommendation of a School or College Dean, or of a Department Chair through the School or College Dean, for approval by the Provost and the Chancellor. Adjunct faculty with appropriate credentials could also be appointed to Visiting Professorships for limited terms.
- Visiting (Assistant, Associate, Full) Professorships. Substantive appointments through which industry scientists, executives, and other professionals serve as regular University faculty with specified duties for limited terms (a term, a year, etc.). These could be full-time positions while the appointee is on leave from their company or part-time positions that are combined with continuing industrial employment.
Appointments would be made upon recommendation of appropriate faculty through Department Chairs and School or College Deans for approval by the Provost and the Chancellor. Salaries could be paid by industry, from University resources, or from a combination thereof. Appointees would have University responsibilities and privileges similar to any other faculty member. Each individually negotiated contract would specify the teaching, research, and service duties that would best utilize the unique background and abilities of the appointee. Some appointments could also involve a direct exchange in which a University faculty member is appointed to an industry position.
- Adjunct (Assistant, Associate, Full) Professorships. Honorary appointments with or without honoraria that can strengthen the University's relationships with individuals or companies, recognize significant contributions to the University, and enable the University to utilize special expertise. Adjunct Professors have limited duties, such as but not limited to presenting occasional guest lectures, participating in special University events, and informally advising students. They would also receive appropriate benefits, such as but not limited to library privileges, parking privileges, and office space (if available).
- Appointments for University Faculty
- Full-time Appointments to Industry. Full-time appointments for limited terms (a term, a year, etc.), during which a faculty member serves as a regular employee of the industry sponsor. In most cases, the faculty member would continue to be paid as a University employee, but funding would come entirely from the industry sponsor. The University might also provide support through sabbatical or developmental leave, or as part of a direct exchange in which an industry scientist is appointed to the University faculty. Pay would be negotiated at an appropriate rate, which could differ from the faculty member's regular University salary. In some cases, a faculty member could be paid directly by a sponsoring company while on unpaid leave-of-absence from the University.
- Part-time Appointments to Industry. Continuing or limited-term "split" appointments in which a faculty member combines part-time University and industry responsibilities. Salary payments due the faculty member would continue to be made through the University, with the industry sponsor paying the University for its share of the faculty member's salary as determined by the contract. Each appointment would involve a tailored University contract defining University duties (and rate of pay) and industry assignment (and rate of pay).
- Schools or Colleges will have the responsibility for obtaining any information on the activities of the exchange, including reports needed for the purpose of salary or promotion considerations.
- All such faculty appointments are subject to the provisions of the Policy Governing Externally Sponsored Research at SIUE - 5B2.
- Funding
- Resources Required. No new resources should be required to initiate exchanges with industry. Resources for industry appointments would derive from funds available to meet School or College needs from sources including but not limited to lapsed salaries from faculty appointments to industry (see below) and industry sponsorship. The University may provide additional resources for adjunct faculty honoraria, should such resources be available.
- Lapsed Salary Dollars. To the extent possible, given teaching needs of the unit and larger budgetary constraints, lapsed salary dollars from faculty appointments to industry should be applied to support industry appointments to the University.
- Funding Arrangements. Industry sponsorship for personnel exchanges are handled through normal University contract and project approval processes, and include appropriate reimbursement for indirect costs.
- Bilateral Industry Agreements
Bilateral "Memoranda of Understanding" should also be developed between the University and individual companies. These Memoranda would express our mutual commitments to improving cooperation and to developing opportunities for personnel exchanges.
Approved by Chancellor effective 8/18/2023
This policy was issued on August 18, 2023, replacing the January 15, 2020 version.
Document Reference: 1M6
Origin: GR 2-84/85; OP 11/5/90; OP 4/10/91; OP 8/2/95; GR 16/17-12; GR 19/20-07; GR 22/23-16