Selection and Evaluation, Specific Positions
Internal Appointment and Promotion Policy - Administrative and Civil Service Open-Range Positions - 2B5
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) values its employees and is committed to providing opportunities for professional development, succession planning, and advancement in a manner that supports and encourages fairness, accountability, and engagement.
The search procedures established by the University have been developed to ensure an open, inclusive and competitive process to fill vacant positions. Thus, every effort should be made to advertise, and conduct search processes for vacant University positions. Filling vacancies through fair and competitive search processes ensures that the University maintains compliance with Federal and State affirmative action requirements, in addition to offering assurance that units are hiring the candidate best suited to advance the University's mission. However, in limited circumstances, an appointment or promotion may be made without conducting standard search procedures.
To fully utilize its available human resources, the University attempts when circumstances permit:
- to fill vacancies from within when practicable and consistent with its commitment to affirmative action;
- to appoint or promote personnel to positions based upon skills, knowledge, experience, ability, and performance; and
- to provide job experiences, training, and educational opportunities to employees to improve performance and prepare for advancement or new job opportunities.
This Internal Appointment and Promotion Policy (IAPP) provides opportunities for all eligible University employees for vacant or newly created Administrative and Civil Service Open-Range positions.
The criteria utilized in making determinations for internal appointments and promotions will include consideration of institutional needs and priorities as set forth in strategic and other articulated plans including, but not limited to, those pertaining to student success (enrollment, completion, satisfaction, etc.), affirmative action in hiring and retaining diverse employees, and budget consideration.
Internal appointments and promotions may be considered based upon institutional need under the following circumstances:
- An employee's duties and responsibilities significantly increase or change.
- Reorganization - an existing department undertaking a change in structure and/or positions, or a new department is created, to best meet University goals. An internal appointment or promotion may be needed to ensure that qualified employees, with requisite institutional knowledge and skills, serve in new or revised positions.
- Critical Needs Assessment - the University seeks to appoint or promote an employee into a role that addresses a critical institutional need.
- Valid succession planning process - an internal appointment or promotion is needed to ensure adequate coverage of important leadership positions in anticipation of immediate or anticipated staffing changes.
An employee is eligible for consideration in the Internal Appointment and Promotion process if the employee:
- Is in good standing (see, University Policy, Employment Rights and Responsibilities, Progressive Discipline Policy 3.18);
- Two or more outstanding or above average annual evaluations; and
- Meets or exceeds the minimum required qualifications for the position.
The hiring manager or designee, interested in using the IAPP process will complete an IAPP Proposal providing a detailed summary of the reasons necessary and appropriate to utilize the IAPP process to fill a position. An IAPP Proposal form is available through the Office of Human Resources (HR) and must be completed as part of this process. Detailed information required in the IAPP Proposal includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- A description of the position to be filled through IAPP (including title, salary).
- Which of the eligibility conditions the position meets for filling through IAPP.
- Are there any other qualified (internal) candidates for the position? How was this determined?
- A summary of the selected employee's credentials documenting that the individual meets or exceeds the established minimum qualifications for the position, has the skills and experience at least equal to other internal candidates, and evidence of the levels of performance in the selected employee's current role.
- The reasons for selecting the designated employee for the position.
Individuals seeking approval of an IAPP Proposal are encouraged to include as much detail as possible regarding how the internal appointment or promotion aligns with the criteria set forth above.
To move forward in the process, the IAPP Proposal must first be reviewed and approved by the Vice Chancellor responsible for oversight of the department requesting utilization of the IAPP process.
If approved, the Vice Chancellor will forward a copy of the Proposal, with the Vice Chancellor's signature indicating they have reviewed and support the promotion to HR and the Equal Opportunity, Access, and Title IX Coordination Office (EOA). A review of the Proposal will be conducted by HR and EOA, in collaboration with the submitting department, to determine if the IAPP process is appropriate to fill the position through an assessment of how it comports with institutional goals, needs, and values.
If HR and EOA grant approval, an offer may be made to the selected candidate. For positions within two (2) reporting lines of the SIUE Chancellor, the Chancellor must also approve the Proposal, prior to an offer being made. If the Proposal is not fully approved, or if it is approved and the candidate does not accept the offer, then a competitive search may be undertaken.
Salary and Compensation Changes
All changes in salary and compensation will be consistent with the guidelines listed in the University's Compensation Policy (Policy 5.1). Employees can choose to accept, or decline offers without repercussions in their current position.
Approved by Chancellor effective October 1, 2024
This policy was issued on October 3, 2024.
Document Reference: 2B5
Origin: OC 10/1/24