Miscellaneous Fees and Fee Policies
Mandatory Student Health Insurance Policy - 4C5
A Student Health Insurance Fee shall be collected from each international student and each full-time student taking at least one on-campus course to maintain continuous health insurance coverage throughout the duration of their course enrollment. Students will be automatically enrolled in the University-approved Student Insurance Plan upon registration for classes. SIUE students may request a waiver of the Student Health Insurance Plan and associated fee, by providing proof of being actively enrolled in a comparable plan.
If a student's waiver request is denied, that decision is final and valid for the duration of the term (Fall, Spring/Summer, Summer). Students may submit a new waiver request in an upcoming term. Additional information regarding plan details, waiver request processes, and other guidelines, may be found on the Health Service website.
Approved by Chancellor effective 2/22/23
This policy was issued on February 23, 2023.
Document Reference: 4C5
Origin: OC 2/23/23