University Budget Calendar - 5A1
The University Budget Calendar is designed to provide a workable timetable to meet the budgeting needs of the University.
- August 15-31
The Chancellor sends budget planning guidelines and planning questions for the upcoming fiscal year to the functional area heads and the University Planning and Budget Council (UPBC).
- November 1
The functional area heads submit planning question responses to the UPBC with copies to the Chancellor and the Budget Director.
- November 1 - December 15
The UPBC consults as necessary with the Chancellor, the functional area heads, Deans, and unit heads regarding their respective budget submissions.
The UPBC may request at this time that the Chancellor delay formal personnel decisions and other multi-year commitments until after the IBHE makes its final budget recommendations in January.
- January - first week
The Chancellor receives the UPBC recommendations on the planning questions, and informs the UPBC of the IBHE budget recommendations.
- March 15
The Chancellor informs the UPBC of the Governor's budget recommendations.
- May 1
The functional area heads submit draft budgets to the Budget Director.
- May 15
The Chancellor presents the University budget to the UPBC for information.
- July 1 (or immediately after a signed appropriation bill)
The functional area heads present their budgets to the Budget Director who forwards copies to the UPBC.
Approved by Chancellor effective 8/25/95
This policy was issued on November 12, 2002, replacing the February 1, 1996 version.
Document Reference: 5A1
Origin: OP 11/4/86; OP 12/10/92; OP 8/25/95