Hosting and Hospitality
Policy on Expenditures for Guest Hospitality and Support of In-House Meetings - 5E2
- Provision for the accommodation of guests of the University is necessary and appropriate in the furtherance of the interests of the University. Reasonable expenses incurred in this connection--essentially for lodging and food--are reimbursable when the expenditures: are appropriate to the occasion; are indicated by common courtesy; and serve to further a bona fide interest of the University.
- Support of in-house meetings of University personnel is necessary and appropriate under certain conditions. Reasonable expenses incurred in this connection--essentially for meeting space and food--are reimbursable when the expenditures are for a meeting which must be held at a time and place which prevent participants from making usual meal time arrangements or which facilitates carrying out the purpose of the meeting. The conduct of official University business at the meeting is essential to justify reimbursement.
- Reimbursement of expenditures for guest hospitality and support of in-house meetings will be made in accordance with pertinent Illinois State and University requirements.
As with any proposed obligation of University funds, these transactions require fiscal officer's prior approval. In addition, the process of payment requires the signature of the fiscal officer. For food purchases other than those at the University facilities, additional approval and signature by the appropriate Vice Chancellor is required.
- Travel Voucher
When the expense is incurred while the employee is in travel status, the reimbursement should be requested on the Travel Expense Voucher along with the other travel expenses of the trip.
- AP Invoice Distribution
If the employee chooses to pay the cost at the time of the occasion and then request reimbursement from University funds, he or she should obtain a receipt and submit it to the fiscal officer. The fiscal officer should prepare an AP Invoice Distribution form payable to the employee involved. If desired, an in-town meal or room can be charged with later payment to be made directly to the restaurant or motel involved by University check. The restaurant or motel should be instructed to send the bill directly to the fiscal officer, who should prepare the AP Invoice Distribution. None of the above shall be deemed to supersede the provisions of the University's Travel Control Regulations. For approval requirements, please see section II, above.
- University Facilities
When an event is held or the guest entertained at a University food operation such as the Morris University Center, the transaction can best be handled by making arrangements to have the correct University account charged. This is accomplished by preparing a requisition for the required services and making arrangements for the particular event. The Morris University Center or other University unit will process its charge for services on the monthly billing form routinely submitted to the Administrative Accounting office. The fiscal officer of the account charged is provided with copies of all charges for the month, supporting the charges that appear on his or her accounting report.
- Travel Voucher
A request for reimbursement or for payment directly to a vendor to cover charges incurred should include the following information:
- Amount of each category of expenditure, supported by receipts to the extent possible.
- Date and place of event and its nature, i.e., luncheon, reception, etc.
- Persons in attendance, including names, titles, and associations. [With large parties or receptions (20 or more) the number of people in attendance and the general character of the group will suffice.]
- University interest. This should indicate the relevance of the event to the furtherance of University interests.
Approved by Chancellor effective 2/9/18
This policy was issued on March 7, 2018, replacing the November 14, 2002 version.
Document Reference: 5E2
Origin: AAT 18; OC 2/9/18