How can I obtain a University issued credit card also known as a Pcard?
- You must be an employee of SIUE.
- Your fiscal officer must approve your application for a Pcard.
- Complete the SIUE Pcard Account request form, the link is provided on the Purchasing\Pcard Forms webpage.
- Obtain all necessary signatures on your SIUE Pcard Account request form.
- Submit your form via email to or send to Campus Box 1012.
- After your Pcard arrives, typically 7-10 days after the application is entered, the Pcard administrator will send an email with information and a link to the Pcard Training Module on Blackboard.
- You must pass the Pcard exam with a score of 19/22.
- Once you have passed the exam, the Pcard Reference and Training Guide will be available for you to download or print for future reference.
Are there any conditions and/or dollar limit for which the cardholder is personally liable? What are they?
Cardholders are personally liable if they make personal purchases or for fraudulent use of the card. Fraudulent use is the deliberate use of the card for purposes other than that for which it was intended, i.e., other than legitimate university business, often for personal gain at the expense of the university.
What if I accidentally use my Pcard for personal use?
You should take the necessary steps to rectify the mistake. Complete a Collection Report to deposit the amount necessary to reimburse the university. Take your payment along with the completed Collection Report to the Bursar’s Office. Scan all related documentation to Leasa Ferry and Ken Houston and include the transaction ID number.
What if I disagree with the bank.... who should I reach out to?
Why do I have to provide my Banner Identification number?
This is a credit card/banking industry requirement. The Banner Identification number is used as a unique identification number of cardholders to avoid confusion and mistakes due to similarities of names, etc.
Can I use something other than my mother's maiden name for the verifying requirement?
This is a banking industry procedure and is intended as a safeguard for the account and the cardholder. You could provide a name other than your mother's maiden name, but you risk not being able to remember the name you supplied when you have to call J.P. Morgan Chase (utilizing the number on the back of the card) to discuss a problem.
If the card is lost or stolen or the number is obtained and used without the cardholder's permission, what is the cardholder's responsibility?
How do I handle problems with a vendor if they are automatically paid?
If my budget is small, can I reduce the amount that one is allowed to purchase with the card? Conversely, if I need the ability to make larger purchase amounts, can I raise the limits?
Limits are set by default, $5,000 single transaction and $15,000 monthly. Departments can request to lower single transaction and monthly limits, if necessary. A department can request higher limits for one-time purchases. A PCE requesting higher limits can be obtained by utilizing the PCE link from the Pcard forms page. The requestor will be prompted to upload the completed Higher Transaction & Monthly Limit Request Form at the time of request.
What internal approvals are required within the user departments before purchases may be made by a cardholder?
Fiscal Officers may structure the internal departmental Pcard purchase approvals to meet the needs of the department, but all purchases should be approved in advance. The approvals may be in the form of individual verbal or written approvals, or blanket type approvals in which the cardholder has been delegated the authority by the fiscal officer to make certain kinds of purchases to meet the department's needs without having to obtain the fiscal officer's prior approval for each individual item to be purchased.
What if I disagree with the bank....who backs me up?
What is the procedure for obtaining expenditure approvals for items that will be charged to an account with a different fiscal officer?
Send an email request to the fiscal officer or delegate of the account to be charged and wait to receive approval before making the purchase. Print a copy of both the email request and response and keep with the other transaction information. The email is independent of the Pcard system.
What if a registration fee or other goods or services must be paid from several accounts?
This can be easily accomplished by the departmental card manager/reviewer when the credit card charge is reconciled. This procedure is described in reviewer training. Questions may be addressed to the Pcard Administrator.
My fiscal officer (approver) has not seen any of the transactions that I, as card manager for my department, have reviewed. What should I do?
Contact the Pcard Administrator, at extension 3257 for assistance.
Internet purchasing information:
Are we required to purchase all office supplies from Office Depot?
The University has a prime vendor contract with Office Depot Business Solutions which should generally provide the lowest prices available. Cardholders should purchase from Office Depot Business Solutions unless the item is not available. Price matching from Office Depot Business Solutions is also available if cardholders find an item at a lower price through another vendor. You can obtain contact information from the ODBS website or by contacting the Pcard Administrator x3257.