Clarence W. Stephens was named Vice President for Operations for the Alton and East St. Louis residence centers on August 11, 1961. Born in Willisville and raised in Sparta, Illinois, Stephens began his career as a high school teacher and coach. An expert in student work programs, at the time of his appointment Stephens was serving as the central budget officer for the SIU System. Stephens served essentially as an administrative caretaker of the residence centers while the architectural planning for the Edwardsville campus moved forward. Groundbreaking for the new campus did not take place until May 2, 1963, after Madison County had finally adopted zoning regulations. Following an administrative reorganization of the university system on July 1, 1964, geographical vice presidents were replaced by functional vice presidents for the next four years.
On August 3, 1970, the SIU Board of Trustees abolished the position of System president. Clarence Stephens was appointed to serve as the chair of a new University Administrative Council and charged with the task of decentralizing the System. In recognition of his service during 1961-1964 and of his capstone work on the University Administrative Council that led to autonomy for SIUE, Stephens received an honorary degree on June 13, 1975.