Post-Baccalaureate Accelerated
Admission Requirements
Applications for admission are available from September 15-February 1. The application deadline is February 1 or until the option is full. This program begins in the fall term only and is offered in a traditional format.
An application to the School of Nursing will be considered complete and ready to be reviewed for admission when all of the following criteria are met:
- Complete a NursingCAS Application.
- Completion of a baccalaureate degree (in any major field) from an accredited college or university by the end of the spring semester preceding fall enrollment.
- Final GPA of 3.0 (4.0 scale) as recorded by the degree granting institution in the term that the bachelor's degree was awarded
- Prerequisite course GPA minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Prerequisite courses include ENG 101, PSYC 111, CHEM 120A or equivalent (no lab required), BIOL 240A, BIOL 240B, BIOL 250, STAT 107 (or STAT 244), PHIL 225, 320 or 321, and NURS 234 (life span development). Equivalent transfer courses may be used (check with nursing advisor). A grade of C or better must be earned in all prerequisite courses. Any remaining prerequisites must be completed by May 31 (prior to fall enrollment) unless prior exception approved.
- Official transcripts from all college/universities attended (may be submitted electronically to
- Review of the Performance Standards for the School of Nursing
- Review of the Professional Licensure Requirements for your intended state of licensure as an RN
*NOTE: CLEP exams for prerequisite requirements are only accepted if the University accepts the individual exam. All science courses must be completed within seven years of admission to the program. A grade of C or higher must be earned in all prerequisite courses. Any repeated course is subject to the SIUE Course Repeat Policy, 1J2.
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their materials are received in the School of Nursing. Applications received after the deadline will be viewed on a space-available basis. The nursing application is available from the School of Nursing website.
Applicants selected for admission will be directly admitted into the School of Nursing. Applying to the program and meeting the minimum admission criteria does not guarantee admission to the program. Admitted students must provide official documentation of all completed degree/prerequisite courses by May 31 (prior to fall enrollment).
All admitted students must be compliant with SIUE School of Nursing Health Mandates Policy prior to first day of initial term.
Transfer procedures for the ABS option are the same as those stated for the traditional option with the exception of the transfer hours accepted from other nursing programs. Up to 25% or 16 semester hours of the nursing curriculum may be accepted as transfer credit for the ABS option.