Procurement and Payment of Services that do not require a Purchase Requisition
Note: Some exceptions may apply (ex. signed by Director of Purchasing)
A purchase order is not required if the amount is below $5,000 or below $10,000 and on the following list:
- Admission Fees
- Agency Accounts, payment from
- Application Fees
- Conference Materials under $100 such as booklets, tapes, and pamphlets made available during a conference
- Costs related to hosting guests of the University (Must comply with current University policies; guest travel expenses included with honorarium or fee require a purchase order.)
- Court Costs
- Entry Fees
- Fee for Rental of public facilities when a signed agreement is NOT required. (i.e., room and space rental)
- Filing Fees
- Freight Charges
- Guarantee to other Universities for visiting intercollegiate athletic teams (Official/Referees require a purchase order)
- Institutional Licensure Fees (notary fees, accreditation)
- Institutional Membership Dues
- Interviewee Expenses - includes all costs (Must comply with current University policies)
- Non-Employee Travel - Includes DCFS and Headstart babysitting & travel expenses
- Off-Campus Repair/Servicing when signed agreement is NOT required - (Note: Does not include items which are serviced by various University service departments.)
- Officiants – Umpires, Referees, etc…
- Page Charges (Includes inter-library loan charges; does NOT include pager charges)
- Participation Fees
- Publication Charges (Note: editorial services require a purchase order)
- Refunds (i.e., overpayment of housing, tuition, deposits, ticket sales, etc.)
- Registration Fees related to conferences and meetings - setup/booth charges included; also tuition
- Reprints
- Research Participant Payments - to non-SIU employee volunteers. (Stipends require purchase order)
- Royalty Payments
- Sales Commissions on Books
- Settlement of Claims by Legal Counsel, Housing, Rec. Center, Student Center, or Self-Insurance Program (does NOT include actual legal fees)
- Software License
- Student Loans
- Student Payments - including fellowships, scholarships, awards, grants, living & educational allowances (Note: Most stipends require purchase order)
- Prizes
- Subscriptions for Publications
- Telephone Charges - Reimbursement to employees
- Transcripts
- Transfer of funds from/to Alumni, Foundation & SIU accounts
- Transportation - gasoline for University Vehicles; must be paid by Transportation Services
- Travel Reimbursement paid to a third party on behalf of an employee
- Travel Reimbursement paid to an Employee