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College of Arts & Sciences
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Department of Physics

Physics Tutor Room (SE-0364)

Schedule for Fall 2022
8:00 -

George Harms

General Tutor

In SE 0364 

9:00 -


George Harms

General Tutor

In SE 0364 

10:00 -

George Harms

General Tutor

In SE 0364 

11:00 -
12:00 -

Thu Do

General Tutor

In SE 0364 

Thu Do

General Tutor

In SE 0364 

Katie Williams

For lab related questions or
PHYS 131/132 assistance

1:00 -

Katie Williams

For lab related questions or
PHYS 131/132 assistance


George Harms

General Tutor

In SE 0364 

2:00 -
3:00 -

George Harms

General Tutor

In SE 0364 

4:00 -

The Physics Tutor Room is now back in Room SE-0364 (office wing in basement.  The tutor room cannot have more than 7 students and one tutor in it at a time, and should not considered a place to just hang out.  The tutors there should be able to help you with any of the elementary Physics courses (111, 112, 131, 131L, 132, 132L, 140, 141, 142, 151, 151L, 152, or 152L), or else should know where to find help.  Please let your instructor or the Department Chair know if you have trouble receiving help, or if you fail to find a tutor at the time that he/she is supposed to be in the room according to the above schedule.

Revised 2022 Oct 7
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