Student Learning and Research Labs
The Department of Applied Health has a variety of research and clinical labs to support student learning and research. Hands-on laboratory experiences are critical to the learning process. These labs are used for classes which provide students real-world experiences and prepare them for their careers. Students work closely with faculty on a variety of projects.
Exercise Physiology Laboratory (EPL)
The Exercise Physiology Laboratory (EPL) is a 3,000-square-foot, self-supporting facility dedicated to student training and faculty research. The EPL houses the Body Composition Laboratory, the Cardiovascular Laboratory, and the Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory in support of scientific investigations that range from the whole body to the cellular and molecular level. Both undergraduate exercise science and graduate exercise physiology students have the opportunity to practice and apply clinical and scientific skills. The EPL is an exceptional resource for faculty and student interaction that provides a tangible opportunity to apply knowledge to direct scientific action.
Body Composition Laboratory (BCL)
The Body Composition Laboratory (BCL) is equipped with a comprehensive array of assessment tools that are used by exercise scientists to accurately evaluate all aspects of body composition, including total and regional fat and lean tissue, waist circumference, and skinfold measurement. The laboratory has the capability to determine bone mineral density and bone mass, as well as cross-sectional muscle area and density. Students will receive hands-on training with each instrument and their associated procedures. Students will learn to interpret the results of each procedure and how to explain the results to clients in preparation for careers in health, fitness, medicine and rehabilitation.
Lab Equipment
- BOD POD, Body Composition Tracking System
- The GE Lunar Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (iDXA)
- Lange Skinfold Calipers
- Gullick Circumference Tape Measure
- Digital Scales and Stadiometer
- Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory (CPL)
The Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory (CPL) provides students with experiences in cardiovascular, metabolic and performance fitness testing. Prior to working in the CPL, students will learn how to properly conduct fitness and health assessments. Students will be taught how to perform health assessments, determine health risk and select the appropriate cardiovascular fitness evaluation. In addition, students will learn how to interpret results and make appropriate recommendations for individualized exercise prescription.
Students will start with the basics of cardiovascular fitness testing (risk assessment, heart rate, blood pressure) and progress to more advanced clinical stress tests on either a treadmill or a bicycle ergometer. Students will then learn to conduct tests designed to measure aerobic and anaerobic power, energy expenditure of exercise and resting energy expenditure. Finally, students will gain experiences in interpreting and writing final reports for clients within health, medical and fitness settings.
Lab Equipment
- 3 ParvoMedics metabolic carts
- 3 Trackmaster TMX425C treadmills
- Lode Excalibur Sport Electronic Ergometer
- Lode Corival Electronic Ergometer
- Velotron Electronic Ergometer
- Cosmed K4b2 Portable Metabolic System with Spirometry
- Burdick Electrocardiography
- Computrainer
- Polar Heart Rate Monitors
- Actical Accelerometers
- Lactate-Scout Hand-eld Analyzer
- Blood Glucose Hand-held Analyzer
Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory (EBL)
The Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory (EBL) is a fully functional lab with dedicated facilities for cell culture, biochemical analysis and sample storage. These facilities support the EBL's focus on the study of physical inactivity, appetite regulation, obesity, diabetes and atherosclerosis.
The EBL provides numerous opportunities for our undergraduate and graduate students to become involved in cutting-edge research. We look forward to seeing you there.
Lab Equipment
- Ultra-low -80°C Freezer for Sample Storage
- 4°C Laboratory Refrigerator
- Large Capacity -20°C Freezer
- Thermo Scientific Cryogenic Vessel
- Low-speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Dry Block Incubator
- Vortex Mixers
- Incubating Microplate Shaker
- Bio-Rad iMark Microplate Reader
- Bio-Rad 1575 Microplate Washer
- STAT YSI-3000 Blood Lactate Glucose Analyzer
- Capillary Bed Heated Hand Box
- Nitrogen Evaporator
- Applied Biosystems 7500 fast RT-PCR and Thermocycler
- Chemical and Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets
- Bio-Rad Power Supply and Gel/blot Electrophoresis System
- ThermoScientific CO2 Incubator
- ThermoScientific 1300 class II type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet
- Ductless Fume Hood
- Mettler Toledo Analytical Balance
- Mettler Toledo pH Meter
- Carl Zeiss Inverted Light Microscope
Physical Activity Clinic (PAC)
The Physical Activity Clinic (PAC) is specifically designed for both teaching and research. The newly renovated PAC is approximately 2,000 square feet and is equipped with state-of-the-art treadmills with iPod® interface capabilities, stationary bikes and elliptical machines. It also contains an array of paramount weight stacks and dumbbell weights for strength training.
Clinic Equipment
- 6 LifeFitness Treadmills
- 8 Paramont Resistance Machines
- 6 Spinning Stationary Cycles
- 2 Life Fitness Elliptical
- Dumbbells
- Medicine Balls
- Stability Balls
- Kettlebells
- Yoga Mats
Exercise and Sport Psychology Lab (ESPL)
The Exercise and Sport Psychology Lab (ESPL) is a space for faculty and students to conduct research in various areas of exercise and sport psychology. This space also includes work areas for students in the graduate program. Current exercise psychology research being done out of the lab includes research on psychosocial, environmental and policy influences on physical activity adoption and adherence, as well as on the effects of physical activity on physical and mental health. Sport psychology studies on imagery assisted virtual reality, efficacy development in sport, and imagery use are also being run out of the lab.
SIUE Nutrition Laboratory Fueled by the Oberweis Family
The SIUE Nutrition Laboratory Fueled by the Oberweis Family is a hands-on learning space that allows students to explore food in a variety of ways. The laboratory consists of eight kitchen stations to provide students applied experiences that enhance and compliment their textbooks and lectures in areas of food chemistry and food science as well as preparing culturally relevant recipes and food. Several courses in the Nutrition Program take advantage of this state-of-the-art facility including Food Science (NUTR 205), Food and Culture (NUTR 210), and Large Quantities Food Preparation (NUTR 409). Furthermore, faculty research takes place in the lab in the areas of recipe development and recipe, menu, and diet analysis.