SIUE e-Lert
What is SIUE e-Lert?
SIUE's e-Lert is a text messaging service that will be used to quickly notify faculty, staff and student cell phones when an urgent situation, such as a bomb threat or hostile intruder, occurs or when the University closes due to inclement weather. Since we will be testing the system periodically, you will also receive test messages. There is no cost to register for the alerts; however, standard rates may apply if your cell phone plan does not include text messaging.
Why text message?
Text messaging worked much better than other types of communications during Hurricane Katrina and other disasters. Even if cell phone towers are up, the phone may not work, but text messaging stands a better chance as it takes less bandwidth to send a text message.
If I register for e-Lert, will I receive ads or unsolicited messages (SPAM) on my mobile number?
The company behind the wireless emergency notification system filters spam text and email messages as part of its anti-spam policy.
How do I register for SIUE e-Lert?
If you are a student, faculty, or staff member, you can register by clicking the "Sign Up Now" link and entering your active e-id, password, and cell phone number. Each time you are notified to change your e-id password, you will also be given an opportunity to enroll, update your cell phone number if it has changed, or cancel your registration with the system.
You will still receive alerts as long as you have the same cell phone number.