Areas of Research
Faculty in the Department of Civil Engineering are some of the most engaged in research, commonly leading the School of Engineering in externally-funded grants. The following briefly describes some of these research efforts:
Environmental / Water Resource Engineering
Faculty in environmental engineering conduct research on water and wastewater treatment, biosolids management, municipal engineering, pollution prevention and waste management.
Faculty in water resources engineering study the interaction between hydraulics, hydrology, and the ecosystems; as well as green roofs, water quality and flood hazard analyses.
Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical engineering faculty study topics including mine subsidence, erosion characterization of levees, quality aggregates for pavement base and subbase, field tests for deep foundations and earthquake resistance of geo-structural structures.
Structural Engineering
Faculty in structural engineering conduct research on the topics of historic preservation, earthquake engineering and earthquake resistant design, structural dynamics, computational mechanics, fiber-reinforced polymer design, bridge engineering and reinforced concrete structures.
Transportation Engineering
Faculty in transportation engineering conduct research related to traffic operations, evacuation traffic operations, traffic incident management, traffic safety, pedestrian safety, pavement management, intelligent transportation systems and winter maintenance training.