Budget Reallocation
Project Directors may reallocate EUE funds among the various budget lines as need arises at any time during the year as long as they have money in another line to cover it.
Equipment Requests and Matching Funds
While cost sharing is encouraged for all EUE projects, there are specific requirements for equipment requests over $5,000 in that they must include a cost-sharing plan in which at least 20% of the equipment cost is provided by the unit. Project directors must provide documentation to the EUE Coordinator showing that the matching requirements have been met. Equipment funds that require cost-sharing will not be released to your account until the matching requirements have been verified. Please contact the EUE Coordinator with specific questions about meeting the cost-sharing requirements.
Keeping Track of Your EUE Account
At the beginning of the fiscal year, EUE funds are transferred to an account in the office of your Dean or Director. It is important to note that the University does not set up a separate account number for each award. Consequently, the EUE Account in your Dean's office may contain funds for many different EUE grants.
The person listed first on the proposal Cover Page is the contact person for each EUE Award. It is the primary responsibility of this individual to manage the award. Also note that, if two or more project directors listed on the cover page are from different Schools or Units, the funds will be transferred into the unit of the first project director listed. The Dean or Director of the first-named EUE recipient (or their designated appointee) is the fiscal officer for the grant. All purchase requisitions, contracts for student wages, etc. must be processed through the office of your Dean or Director.
While someone in your Dean's office is charged to keep track of your expenditures, the project directors should assume responsibility for the management of their EUE award. Here are some things you should know.
- Your EUE Project Number (a four or five digit code, the first two digits designate the fiscal year of your EUE grant. e.g. 25-14 (Fiscal Year 2025, Proposal number 14).
- Your EUE Project Title (As listed on the proposal's Cover Page)
- The EUE Account Number for your School or Unit. (Check with your dean or director for the unit account number)
- The EUE Account Title (e.g. EUE - School of Business, etc.)
- The designated award amount in each budget line (salaries, student wages, contractual services, etc.)
If, at any time during your grant period, there is a change in the contact person (due to a sabbatical, change of assignment, retirement, etc.) please inform the EUE coordinator of the change.