SIUE Cyberinfrastructure Resources
Campus Cyberinfrastructure services are available to the SIUE community through a cross-functional group of IT professionals working directly with faculty and students. We are available to help tailor these resources to your research and teaching activities, and incorporate them into sponsored projects as appropriate.
- Direct 10Gb/s peering with Internet2/MREN (Metropolitan Research and Education Network)
- Data Transfer Node (DTN) connected via 10Gb/s links to on-campus resources and Internet2
- Slurm Compute Cluster
- HPC computing resources for SIUE faculty and students
- Connected to Open Science Grid for sharing SIUE HPC resources
- Hardware:
- 10x CPU Compute nodes
- 2x AMD EPYC 7F52 16-Core Processor
- 256 GB Ram
- 2x 25 Gbps Network
- 4x GPU Compute nodes
- 2x Nvidia A100-PCIE-40GB
- 2x AMD EPYC 7502 32-Core Processor
- 512 GB Ram
- 2x 25 Gbps Network
- 10x CPU Compute nodes
- Ceph High Performance Storage Cluster (1)
- Storage backend for OpenStack cluster
- Slurm cluster home (/home), shared software (/software), and scratch (/scratch) directories.
- Hardware:
- 7x NVME Storage Nodes (2):
- 2x AMD EPYC 7452 32-Core Processor
- 256 GB Ram
- 10-8x 1.6TB NVME Drives
- 2x 100 Gbps Network
- 7x NVME Storage Nodes (2):
- Ceph Bulk Storage Cluster
- Storage for Physics research
- Bulk file storage for backups and archived files
- Hardware:
- 6x HDD Storage Nodes:
- Intel Xeon Processors
- 128 GB Ram
- 12-8x 8TB HDD
- 2x 10 Gbps Network
- 6x HDD Storage Nodes:
- OpenStack Cluster
- Research specific instances
- Classroom Lab/Instruction instances
- Core cyberinfrastructure instances
- Storage Backend:
- Ceph High Performance Storage Cluster (1)
- Hardware:
- 1x Controller Node (3):
- 2x AMD EPYC 7452 32-Core Processor
- 256 GB Ram
- 2x 100 Gbps Network
- 8x Compute Nodes:
- Uses NVME Storage nodes (2) and Controller (3) above
- 1x Controller Node (3):
Examples of ITS supported activities
- SIUE Open Science Grid contributor
- HPC Workstation and Cluster Integration and Support
- Researcher / project-specific environments (Physics, Pharmacy)
- Graduate-School funded "shared" cluster (Physics, Pharmacy, Computer Science)
- OpenStack Research Virtual Machines (Physics)
- HPC instruction / labs (Physics)
- Cybersecurity Labs (CMIS)
- Windows Servers "on-demand" for labs and testing (CMIS)
- Senior project hosting (Computer Science)
- NFS/Windows shared data storage (Physics)
Campus Champions
A Campus Champion is an employee of, or affiliated with, a college or university (or other institution engaged in research), whose role includes helping their institution's researchers, educators and scholars (faculty, postdoctoral, graduate students, undergraduates, and professionals) with their computing-intensive and data-intensive research, education, scholarship and/or creative activity, including but not limited to helping them to use advanced digital capabilities to improve, grow and/or accelerate these achievements.Two SIUE staff members are registered Campus Champions
- Kade Cole
- Andrew Speer
"SIUE Cyberinfrastructure" in Microsoft Teams
The "SIUE Cyberinfrastructure" Team is the place to go for open discussion about high-performance and on-demand computing resources.
Launch Microsoft Teams, click "Join or create a team" then search for "SIUE Cyberinfrastructure".
Documentation for SIUE Cyberinfrastructure
Visit for documentation on how to use the Cyberinfrastructure at SIUE.