Individual Department and Program Senior Assignment Descriptions
School of Pharmacy
The School of Pharmacy capstone experience consists of four components: a didactic class, an advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) rotation, a scholarly project and a poster presentation. The experience begins with a didactic class in the spring semester of the third professional year. This class prepares the student for the experience. In the fourth professional year, a project and mentor to guide the project are identified by the student. The scholarly project is an independent, pharmacy-related research endeavor that follows the established guidelines for a research paper. Students are expected to develop the idea, search the literature for background information, collect data, analyze the data and form an appropriate conclusion based on the results. During the five-week APPE rotation, the student has dedicated time to work on the project and is expected to have a rough draft ready for the mentor and course coordinator at the end of the rotation. A final paper and poster are due at the end of the spring semester of the fourth professional year. All posters are presented in a public forum at the annual School of Pharmacy Poster Day in late April.