Welcome to Staff Senate
The University Staff Senate represents the Civil Service and Administrative Staff of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. This body advises and assists the University Chancellor in the solution of issues and the formulation of policies and the Director of Human Resources in developing and initiating more effective personnel policies, procedures, and programs. The USS participates in the University Governance system and encourages all Civil Service and Administrative Staff employees to consult with members of the Staff Senate concerning issues, policies, and possible recommendations for appropriate Staff Senate action.
The Standing Committees of the Staff Senate are Public Relations, Scholarship, Fund-Raising, Diversity Initiatives, Policy Review, Staff Development and Well-Being, and Elections and Operations.
Please contact the University Staff Senate at staffsenate@siue.edu.
Paid Parental Leave Policy Panel
On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the University Staff Senate Staff Development and Well-Being Committee hosted a panel presentation. The topic explored the new Paid Parental Leave Policy, which went into effect on July 1, 2024. Representatives from HR provided an overview of the policy and answered questions.
A recording of the presentation is here.
Understanding Your Social Security Webinar
On March 13, 2024, the University Staff Senate Staff Development and Well-Being Committee hosted a Zoom presentation. The topic: "Understanding Your Social Security." Jack Myers, public affairs specialist with the Social Security Administration, was the guest speaker. Myers covered the following topics:
- How will my benefits be affected if I receive a pension?
- What is the number of credits needed to receive benefits?
- How do I use the Retirement Estimator?
Staff Senate Panel on Paid Leave for All Workers
On March 12, 2024, the University Staff Senate Staff Development and Well-Being Committee hosted a panel presentation. The topic explored the new Paid Leave for All Workers (PLAW) Act. The topic explored the new PLAW policy, and answered questions as to how this applies to all SIUE staff.
A recording of the presentation is here.