Testing Center Guidelines
The following guidelines are provided for students taking tests in the Testing Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) to protect the academic integrity of exams and promote a reduced distraction environment for fellow testers. Due to the wide variety of tests administered in the Testing Center, students should be advised that specific guidelines may vary from test to test and any exceptions due to extenuating circumstances are at the discretion of Testing Center staff and/or as a result of specific accommodations.
Instructional Exam Testing
- Please be sure to bring a valid photo ID, preferably your Cougar Card.
- On-Campus appointments MUST be scheduled at with at least 3 business days advance notice (72-hours). Business hours are Monday - Friday from 8 am until 4:30 pm. Any exams scheduled after 4:30 pm will not be received until the following day and processed in the order in which they were received.
- Appointments may be made online through the Accommodate portal. If you are having issues scheduling an exam, please contact us either in person, or by phone.
- When making an appointment for an exam please log in to Accommodate with your university ID and password, select 'Testing Room', select your course name and section from the drop down menu and select the date an time range reflecting the same day and time as when the course is taught. If for some reason you need to schedule an exam at an earlier or later time to accommodate extended time, please provide an explanation within the Testing Room booking module providing an explanation for the benefit of Testing Center staff. Any deviation from the standard testing time should receive prior permission in writing from your instructor.
- Arrive on time for your appointment. Plan ahead for traffic, weather, etc. If you arrive late, you must complete the exam in the time allotted. No additional time will be allowed. Late arrivals may also forfeit their seat and/or be required to reschedule their test—especially during high volume testing periods.
- Only authorized testing material will be permitted in the testing room. Pencils will be provided by the Testing Center.
- If allowed, students may borrow a calculator from the Testing Center for their exam. NO calculator accessories are allowed in the testing area, including, but not limited to, calculator lids, cases, docking stations, etc.
General Guidelines
- Items not required for your test or approved via accommodation are not permitted in the testing room. These items include, but are not limited to, cell phones, electronic devices, fitness trackers, headwear (except for medical or religious purposes), lanyards, large necklaces and bracelets, clip-on ID/badges, sunglasses, smart watches. Students taking an exam may bring only approved items for testing as designated by their instructor (i.e. note cards, calculators, etc.). Additional approved aids may be supplied by the Testing Center. You may bring your own pencils, but pencil cases are not permitted. If you forget a writing utensil, the Testing Center will provide pencils.
- Calculators with a separate alphabetical (QWERTY) keyboard in any format are not allowed in the Testing Center, as these calculators are more similar to computers than to other types of calculators. Additionally, NO calculator accessories are allowed in the testing area, including, but not limited to, calculator lids, cases, docking stations, etc.
- All cell phones and electronic devices brought to the Testing Center must be turned off and handed to a testing center associate to be placed in a secured and numbered location corresponding to your assigned testing space within in the Testing Center.
- Cubbies may be available for your convenience for small items. Once testing has begun, you are NOT permitted access to backpacks and large personal items in the Testing Center. The Testing Center is not responsible for personal belongings or lost items.
- Only students taking tests are permitted in the Testing Center. Please make prior arrangements for childcare, as children are not permitted in the Testing Center. In addition, no pets, family, or friends may accompany you in the testing area. Public Safety will be notified in the event of unattended children.
- You will be assigned a designated seat in the testing area.
- No food, candy, cough drops, gum, or drinks are permitted in the Testing Center.
- For exams that have a time limit, a Testing Center associate will track your progress via a timer; however, test takers should manage their own time during testing and clocks are available upon request.
- Talking is not permitted in the testing room. You should respect others by remaining quiet and not distracting others while testing.
- Any issues involving a test's instructions or availability are to be brought up with faculty. The Testing Center is not a liaison between students and faculty.
- You are expected to test independently. You may not look at another examinee’s computer screen, paper test, scratch paper, etc. or receive assistance from another examinee.
- Any non-permanent writing found on a student’s body while testing warrants the immediate termination of their exam. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Tampering with the operation of a Testing Center computer or attempting to use it for any function other than taking your test will be reported to your instructor and/or administration.
- The Testing Center is equipped with cameras and surveillance devices. The testing area is under continuous observation by proctors. Test administrators and proctors may occasionally walk around the testing room to monitor examinees.
- Software is installed on all computers to monitor and record your activity.
- After you begin an instructional test, you must complete it in one sitting unless pre-authorized by your instructor or approved as part of your accommodations. If you leave the testing room during a test for any unauthorized reason, your instructor will be notified.
- Unauthorized restroom breaks are not allowed. Restroom emergencies are addressed at the discretion of Testing Center staff and are otherwise not permitted unless approved via accommodations, or the faculty grants permission for a test longer than two hours. Time is not halted during a restroom break and testers will be escorted to the restroom.
- For evening exams, the testing center closes at 10:00 pm, and all tests are stopped and/or collected at least 15 minutes prior to the closing hours of the Testing Center. Students should plan ahead so they arrive at the Testing Center in adequate time to complete their test.
- After completing a test, all test materials, including scratch paper, must be returned to the Testing Center staff. Your instructor will be notified if all testing material is not returned.
- Testing Center staff will notify your instructor and/or administration if you attempt to remove any test materials (including questions and answers) from the testing room by any means.
- Testing Center staff will notify the instructor and/or administration of any discrepancies during testing. An instructor has the right to reject any instruction test completed by a student who violates the instructor’s directions or the Testing Center guidelines. Students taking any placement or certification testing must adhere to the guidelines, or risk an invalid or terminated assessment. Acts of dishonesty may be subject to disciplinary action.
- Test takers should communicate with the Testing Center staff if they have extenuating circumstances.
- The Testing Center staff may excuse a test taker, terminate a test, and/or contact campus police if a test taker exhibits behavior that is disruptive, confrontational, unruly, threatening and/or does not comply with the Testing Center guidelines, directives, or SIUE code of Student Rights and Conduct.
*For any concerns or accommodation needs that may require an exception to the above-stated guidelines, please speak with an ACCESS or Testing Center Associate.