Aminata Cairo
“What are the characteristics of a successfu l drumming/dancing program that mobilizes young people while drawing from cultural heritage?”
What are the characteristics of a successful drumming/dancing program that mobilizes young people while drawing from cultural heritage?
The question is answered using four sub-components:
a. what is the role of cultural heritage?
b. what is the role of education/educational goals (for the participants)?
c. what institutional support leads to success?
d. what is the role of family and community?
The result of this research will be a paper for presentation to the Applied Anthropology Conference and submission to an appropriate academic journal (Anthropology journal, music journal, community development journal).
Dr. Cairo will be attending the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) annual conference in Syracuse, New York on October, 2014.
Dr. Cairo's research:
"Drumming for the Well Being of Our Community"
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