IACUC approved 7/20/22
Operating Papers
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
I. PURPOSE/FUNCTION: All research, research training, experimentation, biological testing, and related activities that involve live, vertebrate animals conducted at SIUE, must be reviewed and approved by the SIUE Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) per Policy 1M10. The Compliance Specialist organizes the activities of the SIUE Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and performs preliminary reviews of all Applications for Review of Projects Involving the Care and Use of Animals in Research or Instruction.
A. Composition - The IACUC is composed of at least five members made up of faculty and staff from various disciplines including one non-scientist faculty, one non-affiliated member from the local community and a veterinarian.
B. Member Appointment - IACUC members are appointed by the Associate Provost for Research, who also serves as the Institutional Official.
1. Term - IACUC Members are appointed for three (3) years beginning July 1 (fiscal year). There is no limit to the number of terms members may serve on the IACUC.
2. Qualifications and Training - IACUC members must complete the required IACUC Member CITI training before serving on the committee. Refresher training is required every three years.
- The Associate Dean of the Graduate School will serve as an ex-oficio member
- The IACUC Administrator will be considered a non-voting member. They will serve to ensure coordination between the IACUC, the Graduate School, and Researchers. They will maintain documentation of IACUC membership, annual reports, and any application assurances.
- A member of Environmental Health and Safety may also serve as a non-voting ex officio member.
- Facility directors may be invited to meetings. Facility directors do not vote and do not count toward quorum at a convened meeting.
- Inspect facilities in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations
- Evaluate the SIUE Animal Care program
- Review all proposed uses of animals in research, testing, or education
A. Receipt of IACUC Protocols - The Compliance unit in the Office of Research & Projects receives all IACUC protocols submitted. A preliminary review of all submissions is done to determine the route of review.
B. Protocol Review - The Veterinarian does a review of all protocol submissions. After the Veterinarian has approved the protocol to move forward, the IACUC will follow its standard operating procedures to use Designated Member Review or Full Board Review.
- Full Board Review: The protocol will be assigned to the next IACUC meeting agenda.
- Designated Member Review: The Chair will select 2 IACUC members most knowledgeable on the relevant species as reviewers. The 2 members with the Chair and the Vet will approve protocols that go through the DMR process. The members will follow the DMR Standard operating procedures.
C. Schedule: The IACUC meets once a month or more often as needed. Notice of the meetings, the agenda, and any applicable documents are sent out by the IACUC Administrator.
D. Quorum: A quorum will consist of a majority of the board. In order to establish a quorum, members need not attend in person but may participate by telephone, video conferencing, or other method in which synchronous participation in the discussion is used and allowed under any applicable federal rules and regulations.
E. Voting: Voting for a Full Board protocol shall normally be conducted so that the number of affirmative and negative votes may be recorded. In order for a submitted Full Board research protocol to be approved, it must receive affirmative votes from the majority of the members participating in the meeting. Documentation of all Board decisions including any minor views expressed will be noted in the minutes.
A. Relevant documents (such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Registration file, the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) Annual Report file, and the SIUE Animal Welfare Assurance Document) are maintained in the the Graduate School.
B. The SIUE Animal Welfare Assurance, submitted in accordance with the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy), identification number is #D16-00304 (A3486-01). This document must be renewed with OLAW every 4 years.
C. The Annual Report to OLAW is due electronically between October 1st and December 1st.
D. The USDA Registration, if applicable, is due each year by December 1st.
VI. INSPECTIONS: Mandatory Semi-Annual Inspections and Program Meetings are conducted in or around April and October of each year. Inspections are done at all locations where animals are housed which includes the SIUE School of Dental Medicine in Alton; the School of Pharmacy at University Park; and the Vadalabene Center, Environmental Science Station, Science Building West, and Science Building East on the main campus in Edwardsville. Program meetings are conducted following inspections either on the same day or on a day soon after the inspections.
A. Training: All faculty, staff and students using animals in research or instruction must complete the "Working with the IACUC" training module as well as any required applicable species or procedure specific courses through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program. Facility Directors of each vivarium will also be required to maintain relevant training through the CITI program.
B. All personnel that will have contact with animals and is listed on an IACUC research protocol must submit a health history document that has a medical evaluation and immunization record. All personnel on a teaching or other non-research IACUC protocol that will have significant contact with animals (more than 4 hours a week) must provide health records that include immunization information to the IACUC before engaging in research with animals. An immunization declination may be submitted in place of the immunization record.
C. Faculty are responsible for submitting all IACUC protocols on behalf of any students conducting research with animals.
Approved: 072022