Hostile and Intimidating Behavior
Hostile and Intimidating Behavior
Support for this event is provided by the National Science Foundation through Award 1936141
This workshop will focus on what bullying is in the academic workplace, a description of its prevalence and its effects, and will work with participants to understand what faculty and administrators can do when faced with bullying and how to work with current policies to prevent it.
Presenter: Michael Bernard Donals from the University of Wisconsin-Madison
When: Thursday, March 5, 2020 from 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Where: Cougar Pavilion, Lukas Annex in the Vadalabene Center
Michael Bernard-Donals is the Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he also serves as the Chaim Perelman Professor of Rhetoric and Culture and is an affiliate member of the Mosse-Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies.