When: January 22, 2025
Modality: Hybrid
Description: For SIUE Faculty interest in applying for the Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) program for FY 26. This session will provide an overview of the application components, information about the Provost’s priority areas, and provide an opportunity for faculty have questions related to the EUE program answered.
Recording: https://siue.yuja.com/V/Video?v=12201225&node=53354266&a=50008012
Facilitators: Matt Schunke, Britt Peterson
Resources Referenced:
- EUE Website: https://www.siue.edu/eue/
- EUE Application Process (including Cover Page & Rubric): https://www.siue.edu/eue/application-process.shtml
- Take a look at past successful awards: https://www.siue.edu/eue/awards.shtml
- SIUE Lincoln Program (including IS Proposal Requirements): https://www.siue.edu/provost/assessment-and-accreditation/general-education.shtml
- SIUE Changemakers description & Pathways
- IS Course Requirements
- Kuh 2013 High-Impact Practices: https://navigate.utah.edu/_resources/documents/quality-hips-scale-kuh-odonnell-2013.pdf
- AAC&U Descriptions of Collaborative Assignments & Community-Engaged Learning Opportunities: https://wwwcp.umes.edu/teachingexcellence/wp-content/uploads/sites/134/2021/09/HIP_tables.pdf