Gamification & Learning Series
When: Every other Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm
Modality: In Person
Where: SIUE Center for Faculty Development and Innovation, Lovejoy Library (2nd Floor) 2030
Facilitator: Britt Peterson
Description: Do you want to play a game? This 6 part series will explore the concept of gamification for learning and equip you with the tools you need to design and run games in your classes that meet learning objectives and support student learning. Topics covered will include: What i gamification and what place does it have in higher ed? (Feb 4th), Core Elements & Tools for Gamification (Mar 4th), Gamifying Classroom Components (Mar 18th), Designing and Implementing a Gamified Course (Apr 1), Gamification Working Day— Bring your class materials to implement what you've learned (Apr 15), and Using the SIUE MakerLab to Gamify your Class (May 6th, 3-4pm in the MakerLab!).