2023 |
Ezra Temko (Sociology) |
2019 |
Andrew Greenwood (Department of Music) |
2018 |
Sandra Weissinger (Sociology) |
2017 |
McKenzie Ferguson (School of Pharmacy) |
2016 |
Dayna Henry (Kinesiology and Health Education) |
2015 |
Wendy Fuchs (Special Education and Communication Disorders) |
2014 |
Kelly Gable (School of Pharmacy) |
2013 |
Kay Gaehle (Pri Care & Health Systems Nursing) |
2012 |
Nicole Klein (Kinesiology & Health Education) |
2011 |
Jason Stacy (Historical Studies) |
2010 |
Valerie Yancey (Primary Care and Health Systems Nursing) |
2009 |
Jennifer Rehg (Anthropology) |
2008 |
Brian Harward (Political Science) |
2007 |
Brad Noble (Elec & Computer Engineering) |
2006 |
Vicki Scott (Special Education and Communication Disorders) |
2005 |
Thomas Jordan (Historical Studies) |
2004 |
Tom Foster (Physics) |
2003 |
Dennis Hostetler (Public Adm & Policy Analysis) |
2002 |
Michael J. Shaw (Chemistry) |
2001 |
Randall S. Pearson (Geography) |
2000 |
Elizabeth Fonseca (Foreign Lang & Lit) |
1999 |
Chung-wu Ho (Mathematics & Stat) |
1998 |
Eric Voss (Chemistry) |
Charlotte Frisbie (Anthropology) |
1997 |
Mark Bolyard (Biological Sciences) |
1996 |
Nader Saniei (Mech & Indus Enrg) |
1995 |
Wayne Santoni (Historical Studies) |
1994 |
Rahim Karimpour (Mathematics & Stat) |
1993 |
Don McCabe (Political Science) |
1992 |
Paul Phillips (Mathematics & Stat) |
1991 |
Betty Richardson (English Lang & Lit) |
1990 |
James McClure (Chemistry) |
1989 |
Theresa Love (English Lang & Lit) |
Emily Krohn (Psychology) |
1988 |
Sheila Ruth (Philosophical Stu) |
1987 |
Donald Elliott (Economics) |
1986 |
Jack Kaikati (Marketing) |
1985 |
Frank McMahon (Psychology) |
1984 |
Norma Pinnell (Nursing) |
Douglas Eder (Biological Studies) |
1983 |
Chung-wu Ho (Math Stat & Comp Sci) |
Henry Drew (Chemistry) |
1982 |
Lyman Holden (Mathematics) |
Shirley Portwood (Historical Studies) |
1981 |
Wayne Santoni (Historical Studies) |
David Schwartz (Govt & Pub Affrs) |
Dennis Staley (Chemistry) |
1980 |
Noble Thompson (Earth Science) |
Paul Tarpey (Mgt Sys & Sci) |
1979 |
Michael Landis (Chemistry) |
Richard Boedeker (Physics) |
1978 |
Antony Wilbraham (Chemistry) |
Paul Goldenbaum (Biological Studies) |
1977 |
Ann Carey (Speech Path) |
Patricia Goehe (Speech Comm) |
Douglas Eder (Biological Studies) |
1976 |
John Oldani (English Lang & Lit) |
Joseph Munshaw (Speech Comm) |
1975 |
Wilber McAfee (Historical Studies) |
David Ault (Economics) |
Robert Anderson (Speech Comm) |
1974 |
Wayne Santoni (Historical Studies) |
Paul Phillips (Mathematics) |
Nancy Parker (Biology) |
Galen Pletcher (Philosophy) |
Leonard Van Camp (Music) |
Stephen Brown (Music) |
Susan Nall (Elem Ed) |