Research and Projects Advisory Board
RPAB Members
Andres Davila, School of Dental Medicine (2027)
Ronald Worthington, School of Pharmacy (2027)
Jennifer Miller, College of Arts and Sciences (2026)
Marlon Tracey, School of Business (2025)
Graham Slater, School of Education, Health, & Human Behavior (2025)
Mohammad Shavezipur, School of Engineering (2025)
Annie Imboden, School of Nursing, (2026)
Elizabeth Cali, Ex officio, Graduate School
Committee members are not allowed to review applications to programs to which they submit. Therefore, members are not allowed to submit to these programs.
Operating Papers
I. Functions of the Committee
The RPAB selects the Paul Simon Outstanding Scholar Award winner and the Hoppe Research Professor Award.
The RPAB may also review proposals submitted for other research competitions at the request of the Dean of the Graduate School or the Graduate Council.
II. Membership and Number
The Board consists of up to seven at-large members, one from the College of Arts and Sciences and one each from the SIUE Schools, except the Graduate School. Members serve three-year staggered terms. Replacements are elected by the Graduate Council from nominees selected by the Educational and Research Policies Committee in consultation with the Graduate Dean. Nominees are from units not represented in the upcoming term. If nominated, a member whose term is expiring is eligible for re-election. If a unit has no nominees or its nominees receive no votes, that unit will not be represented on the Board for the academic year. If the process results in fewer than five members, the Graduate School will seek volunteers from the unrepresented units to fill open seats for a one-year term.
III. Selection Procedure
A. The Educational and Research Policies Committee (ERP), in consultation with the Graduate Dean, generates a list of nominees from units not currently represented on the RPAB, including the units from which current memberships are expiring. Any faculty member with a record of scholarship is eligible to apply or to be nominated; the willingness of the candidate to serve should be ascertained prior to nomination. Candidate vitae are sent to the Graduate School for distribution to ERP.
B. The slate of candidates is forwarded to the Graduate Council, along with the candidates' vitae. Ballots listing the candidates are made available to the members of the Graduate Council. Each Council member votes for the open position(s). The individual(s) receiving the highest number of votes is (are) elected.
Approved February 22, 2018