Department: Computer Science (72000)
Position: General Assistantship (Varies)
Hours/Week: 25% (10 hours) 50% (20 hours)
Term: Continuous Recruitment
Location: SIUE
Posting Number: 2015-2024
Students must be pursuing MS or PhD in Computer Science. Students must have been accepted for or enrolled in graduate study at the time of the selection process. Graduate assistants must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA and meet all Graduate School eligibility requirements, including course enrollment criteria. Selection criteria typically include but are not limited to: relevant professional experience, undergraduate performance in relevant courses, graduate performance in relevant courses, GRE scores, English proficiency, and area of study. In addition to scholarship, promise of outstanding academic, research, and professional achievement is taken into consideration.
This graduate assistantship position supports computer science faculty. Teaching assistantships may include helping in class, holding office hours, tutoring students, and grading. Research assistantships include working directly with faculty on topics within their specialization.
Each candidate must submit an assistantship application and resume. The application is available at https://www.siue.edu/engineering/computer-science/pdf/GA_Application_CS.pdf
This form is used to gather applicant data by the Office of Equal Opportunity, Access, & Title IX Coordination at SIUE. This information cannot be viewed by units hiring Graduate Assistants. Completion of this form is not required and will not impact your chances of being hired for a Graduate Assistantship. This form is NOT an application for employment. To apply for a Graduate Assistant position, follow the instructions listed in the posting.
Notice: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, religion, national origin or sex in violation of Title VII.Southern Illinois University Edwardsville prohibits discrimination against employees, applicants for employment and students on the basis of age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status.Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is authorized to operate as a postsecondary educational institution by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.