Pregnancy/Parenting Leave
Policy 3C15 is established to ensure the protection and equal treatment of pregnant students, students with pregnancy related medical conditions including as a result of termination of pregnancy, and students who become new parents including parents adopting or fostering to adopt for the first 12 weeks a child is in the home.
This policy provides all students with the ability to request a pregnancy or newly parenting related accommodation, a parental leave of absence request, or a program modification request.
Graduate Assistants may take unpaid leave from their assistantship position for up to 12 weeks beginning with the birth of their child under this policy and have their tuition waiver honored for the semester in which the leave begins. The contractual stipend amount will only be paid for the hours actually worked.
For additional information on this policy or to discuss seeking accommodations, students should reach out to SIUE's Office of Equal Opportunity, Access, and Title IX Coordination (EOA).