Professional Misconduct
Graduate Assistants are expected to act in a professional manner at all times. Holding a graduate assistantship is a privilege and students are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity during their appointment. The Graduate School will work with the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs to manage any violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
Graduate Assistants who violate the Student Code of Conduct or act in an unprofessional manner during their assistantship may be terminated from their contract and/or deemed ineligible to receive future assistantship positions.
Graduate Assistants must abide by all conditions listed in the contract. By approving the contract, the student indicates that they will be the person performing the work and receiving pay for that work; the student will work the dates listed in the contract; the student will work the appropriate number of hours listed in the contract; and the student will contact the supervisor immediately if they are unable to meet the obligations of the contract.
Certain acts of misconduct may result in a termination from the contract including but not limited to:
- Committing fraud, such as falsifying a report of hours worked
- Direct threat of violence (statement or gesture)
- Sexual assault or sexual harassment
- Possession or use of weapons, dangerous substances, or controlled substances on campus or incapacitation due to drug use
- Manufacture or sale or delivery of controlled substances
- Hazing
- Tampering with fire safety equipment or destruction of property
- Violations of the Student Code of Conduct
- A felony criminal charge with a nexus to campus
A student who receives an Interim Separation by Student Affairs will automatically be terminated from their contract. Contracts may be reinstated after the investigation by Student Affairs is complete and the student is permitted to continue their program.