Ways to Support Us!
There are many ways you can support the Learning Resource Center!
The LRC encourages development of the whole person, while promoting lifelong learning. As a resource center serving several patron-types, we are providing many services and programs on a daily basis. We are always looking for new ways to engage and support our community. Here are simple ways you too can support our mission:
Participate in our events: Every month the LRC provides a calendar of events open to the public and entirely free of charge! Stay informed, follow us on Facebook, stop by and pick up a calendar, and SIGN UP! Nothing supports the Learning Resource Center more than community participation.
Bring us your ideas: That is right! We want to hear from you. Giving us your feedback is the best and easiest way you can help support the LRC! When we know what you are looking for in your community’s resource center, it helps us provide the best services. We want to know what would help and interest you the most.
Spread the word: Know someone who needs internet to do their taxes? Needs to make copies, print personal items, or search for a job? Needs access to study materials? Let them know the East St. Louis Center's Learning Resource Center is open and available to everyone! We can order nearly any book, DVD, CD, or audiobook from libraries throughout Illinois. Our staff can even provide basic help with the computers and other technology.