About Student Representative Council (SRC)
The students of the SIUE School of Pharmacy (SIUE-SOP), through their elected representatives, establish and maintain an autonomous student organization designed to serve the needs of student pharmacists. The Student Representative Council (SRC) promotes student pharmacist involvement by providing a forum for student input in matters such as student-faculty relations, curricular issues, course evaluation, assessment, student recruitment, student professionalization activities, and other issues of academic, political, social and economic importance to the student pharmacist. The voting members of the SRC include class presidents and vice presidents, presidents of professional student organizations within the SIUE-SOP, and a student pharmacist serving on the SIUE Student Senate (if applicable). Student representatives on SIUE-SOP standing committees are invited to attend meetings as non-voting members. The SRC meets at least once every semester and maintains a newsletter.
SRC Advisor
Faculty Advisor: Jessica Kerr
Newsletter - Check this is out to see what's going on with the student organizations in the SOP!