Hispanic/Latinx Faculty and Staff Association Constitution
Article I. Name
Section 1. NAME. The name of the organization shall be Hispanic/Latinx Faculty and Staff Association, hereinafter referred to as the “HLFSA.”
Hispanic/Latinx is defined as any person of Hispanic or Latino origin. Hispanic or Latino origin includes people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central and South American, Dominican, and other or unknown Latin American or Spanish origin. People of Hispanic/Latinx origin may be of any race.
Article II. Mission
Section 1. MISSION. HLFSA is a constituency organization representative of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s goal to be more equitable, inclusive, and diverse. Its mission is to provide support, advance the interests, and promote the welfare of Hispanic, Latinx, Chicano, Afro-Latino and other faculty, and staff at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) regardless of race/religion/nationality.
Article III. Purpose of the HLFSA
Section 1. PURPOSE. This association's purpose is to promote community and professional welfare amongst its members and community at SIUE. The association has the following objectives:
- Support in all areas related to professional advancement and development;
- Foster opportunities for mentorship for new staff and junior faculty, as they acclimate to the SIUE environment;
- Facilitate collaborations in teaching, research and creative activities, service, and university programs
- Serve as liaison to maintain and ensure positive regard and working relationships between the University and its Hispanic/Latinx constituency both on and off all SIUE campuses;
- Ensure inclusivity of the unique perspectives, ideas, experiences, needs, and voices within and across the University;
- Identify and assiduously respond to issues which affect the welfare of Hispanic/Latinx faculty, staff, or students at SIUE, especially as it relates to the mission of the University;
- Provide a professional and social network among Hispanic/Latinx faculty and staff across all SIUE campuses, collaborate with others in the SIU system, and the community; and
- Serve as a resource and advisor for the Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees, the Vice President for Antiracism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer, the SIUE Vice Chancellor for Antiracism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and the SIUE Chancellor for hiring and policy updates.
Article IV. HLFSA Membership
Section 1. MEMBERSHIP. HLFSA membership is open to all SIUE employees, regardless of race, gender, creed, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation, who support the mission and goals of HLFSA.
Article V. HLFSA Officers and Executive Board Members
Section 1. OFFICERS. Officers will be elected directly from the general membership. The elected officers of the HLFSA shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Two officers will be faculty and two officers will be staff.
Section 2. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS. The Executive Board shall consist of President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one At-Large Executive Board Member to be elected from the HLFSA general membership.
Section 3. TERMS. Officers and Executive Board members shall be elected by the general membership to serve two-year terms, which will begin on the 15th day after the election of the election year.
- Executive Board Members may be re-elected to serve up to three terms consecutively.
- Officers may be re-elected to the same office, for a maximum of three terms in any particular officer's capacity.
- The president’s position will alternate between faculty and staff.
Article VI. Initial Approval of and Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
Section 1. INITIAL APPROVAL OF CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS. Two-thirds of the active members shall be necessary for the initial adoption and approval of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2. REVIEWING CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS. The Constitution and Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Board. The Executive Board may make suggestions for changes to the Constitution and Bylaws at any time. Any HLFSA member may suggest changes to the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 3. AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS. Changes to the Bylaws must be approved by fifty percent of the general membership. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be formally presented to the HLFSA by active members in good standing only. The voting membership will vote on changes to the bylaws during the first regular meeting of the fall semester following the proposal and discussion of the amendments.
Section 4. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. Amendments to the Constitution must be approved by two thirds of the general membership. Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be formally presented to the HLFSA by active members in good standing only. The voting membership will vote on changes to the Constitution during the first regular meeting of the fall semester following the proposal and discussion of the amendments.
Article VII. Dissolution
Section 1. DISSOLUTION. The HLFSA may be dissolved at any time, upon a vote by two thirds of its voting members. Upon dissolution of this Association, all remaining assets, after payment of all debts, obligations, or necessary final expenses, shall be designated to a Hispanic/Latinx Faculty and Staff Development Fund. This designated fund of the Association exists to provide monetary support to faculty and staff for professional development, research, and teaching activities.
In the event that said Fund no longer exists, members shall vote on how to disperse the funds so that they contribute to the advancement and support of currently employed Hispanic/Latinx Faculty and Staff at the University.
*This Constitution was created using information from the SIUE Black Faculty and Staff Association & SIUE Queer Faculty and Staff Association.