Guiding Statements
The central mission of the College of Arts and Sciences at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is to transform thought. The College will provide excellent degree programs for its majors, minors, and post-graduate students and offer an outstanding liberal arts and sciences foundation for undergraduate students across the University. The College will promote scholarly and creative activities, public service, and cultural and arts programming, all of the highest quality.
The College of Arts and Sciences will be recognized nationally and internationally for the excellence of its programs, faculty and staff, and facilities. Its students will exemplify and demonstrate the characteristics and capabilities the College expects of its graduates as listed in The Desired Characteristics and Capabilities of Graduates.
Diversity Statement
By fostering an open, harmonious, and hospitable context for learning and work, the College of Arts and Sciences encourages all its faculty, staff and students to recognize the intrinsic value of every human being in an increasingly interconnected world. Each member of the College of Arts and Sciences is responsible for actively supporting this commitment.
The values of the College of Arts and Sciences are in full accord with SIUE’s common values: citizenship, excellence, integrity, openness, and wisdom.