Guidelines for Becoming a Consultant
- All faculty consultants must be trained before starting to consult.
- The training of new members will be done in the fall semester of each calendar year.
- Returning members will do a refresher training once every three years.
- It is strongly suggested that new members should co-consult with an experienced consultant before taking their first consulting assignment.
- Membership in the peer consulting group is voluntary and shall be extended to all SIUE faculty, tenured, tenure-track, or full-time non-tenure-track. Tenured or tenure-track faculty can serve as Research Consultants and tenured, tenure-track faculty, and full-time non-tenure track faculty can serve as Teaching Consultants.
- Limitation Clause: While technically all members of the SIUE tenure/tenure track academic community members are welcome, it is strongly advised that those who are first year and/or have not had previous experience in this level of consulting should rethink joining membership.
- Potential members may be asked to indicate their areas of expertise - whether in teaching, scholarship, or service.
- Potential members should have a supporting letter from the Dean of their school.
Membership Recruitment
Those recognized for outstanding teaching, scholarship and/or service may be contacted and elicited for membership of the Peer Consulting Program.
Consultants may suggest potential candidates that may be considered for invitation to the membership.
At the end of the academic year, there shall be a meeting where all consultants will be debriefed.
At the end of each academic year, all consultants shall receive a letter of commendation in recognition of their service to the university.
Close attention will be paid to ensure that various disciplines, schools/colleges, ethnicities, race, gender, etc. are represented. We believe that the presence of an individual or individuals from every community within the university is pertinent to the success of the consulting initiative.
Length of Service
Due to the significance of experience, no time restriction is placed on the length of service as a Consultant. However, all members are expected to be active.
Disclaimer Notice
It is important for the faculty and anyone in need of consulting service to know that information or services obtained through this consulting is provided by members of the university community who are volunteers, and are non-professional counselors. Be it known, therefore, that no statement made, opinions expressed, actions taken, advice given, support provided - whether written or verbal, expressed, unexpressed, or transmitted in any form - electronic, or otherwise, shall be taken as necessarily representing the views, opinions, or policy of the university. Thus, the university, its affiliates, personnel as well as members of this consulting group are not liable for any errors stemming from services provided.
Application Process
To apply to serve as a Peer Consultant, please fill out the Application to Serve as Consultant.