Writing Resources
Modules to Enhance SIUE Graduate Student Writing
The below online modules contain critical information to address graduate student basic writing skills, research-focused writing, the management of large writing projects, and challenges specific to non-native English speakers. The modules were created specifically for SIUE graduate students by SIUE faculty and staff. This project was developed and overseen by the Graduate School and supported by the Innovation and Excellence in Graduate Education foundation funds.
Module 1: Graduate-Level Writing Core Competencies
Module 2: Research Writing
Module 3: Managing Large Writing Projects
Module 4: Overcoming Challenges for Non-Native English Speakers
ProQuest Online Writing Boot Camp
The below modules offered by ProQuest are an online & interactive Boot Camp experience that you can access at your own pace and on demand. Use these resources to help ensure you have the information & resources needed to execute the thesis or dissertation process successfully!
Module 1: Getting Started on your Thesis or Dissertation - This online interactive module will help you to demystify the writing process, locate existing published theses/dissertations as a part of your research, explore your proposed topic, and identify resources & support to move you forward.
Module 2: Efficient Discovery and Research Curation - This online interactive module will help you to conduct effective & efficient research, perform a targeted database search, and identify appropriate research strategies for your project.
Module 3: Developing a Productive Writing Plan - This online interactive module will help you to connect research & writing, develop a plan & schedule for your writing, understand how to create a "zero draft," and introduce you to resources to assist with the writing process.
Other Online Writing Resources
14-Day Writing Challenge - SIUE is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), and graduate students can benefit from that membership by taking part in various events and workshops. One of the programs regularly offered by the NCFDD is a 14-Day Writing Challenge, where participants are challenged to write at least 30 minutes each day for two weeks with the support of an online community. To activate your NCFDD membership, follow the below steps:
1) Go to http://www.facultydiversity.org/join
2) Choose "Southern Illinois University Edwardsville" from the drop-down menu.
3) Select “Activate my Membership”
4) Complete the registration form using your institutional email address (@siue.edu)
5) Go to your institution email to find a confirmation/welcome email. Click “Activate Account” in the email.
What is a Thesis? – This interactive presentation developed by SIUE faculty answers basic questions about your thesis purpose, organization, and audience. This is a great way to kick off your thesis planning, and will alleviate many of the common fears associated with beginning your final project!
Online Writing Boot Camp Module - This interactive presentation developed by SIUE faculty could be just the resource you need to move forward. This in-depth writing training program will help will all aspects of your writing process. Access it anytime, anywhere!
iThenticate Plagiarism Checker - Graduate students in research-based programs and full-time faculty can join SIUE's iThenticate account. iThenticate is a web-based intellectual property verification tool that checks documents for originality in order to prevent plagiarism.