General Sick Leave Policies for Civil Service Employees
- Sick leave is not earned during periods of leave when an employee is not in pay status. While an employee is on a paid sick leave (or vacation leave) they do accrue leave.
- Holidays recognized by the University will not be included in sick leave.
- Sick leave will be transferred within the Southern Illinois University system only.
Excessive Use and/or Abuse of Sick Leave
The University may refuse to pay sick leave pay if it is determined that the claim for sick leave is fraudulent based on authorized purposes. Sick leave abuse occurs when an employee uses sick leave for unauthorized purposes or misrepresents the actual reason for charging an absence to sick leave.
Sick leave abuse may also occur when an employee establishes a pattern of sick leave over a period of time, such as:
- the day before or after a holiday
- on a Monday and/or Friday
- after a payday
- any one specific day
- half-day
- continued pattern of maintaining zero or near zero sick leave balances
The University reserves the right to require acceptable evidence of illness, injury, or disability before allowing any sick leave benefits. Employees who misuse sick leave may be subject to the University's progressive disciplinary process which could lead to suspension or discharge.
Sick Leave Payable Upon Termination
In accordance with Illinois Public Act 83-976, employees who terminate and have a sick leave balance of time accrued and unused from January 1, 1984, until December 31, 1997, shall be paid for one half the balance. This is the only sick leave payable upon termination or retirement.
Sick Leave Types
Through the years, the University has made changes to sick leave benefits. Because of those changes, accrued balances of sick leave are referred to by the following types:
- Sick leave earned before January 1, 1984 (pre - 1984)
- Sick leave earned from January 1, 1984 until December 31, 1997
- Sick leave earned after January 1, 1998 to present (post 1997)
If employees are absent from work for extended periods of time, accrued and available sick leave will be used in the following order until each type of leave is exhausted before moving on to the next leave:
- Sick leave earned before January 1, 1984 (pre - 1984) will be used first
- Sick leave earned after January 1, 1998 to present (post 1997) will be used next
- Sick leave earned from January 1, 1984 until December 31, 1997 will be used last
Extended Sick Leave
All Civil Service employees are granted 20 extended sick leave days per each fiscal year on July 1. These days are available only for the employee and only for a major medical illness. Any unused days do not carry over from year to year.
Extended sick leave will be available for use on the sixth consecutive work day missed due to injury or illness for most employees, unless they are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Represented employees need to review their union agreement to view the usage requirements.
Sick Leave - Usage
Eligible use of sick leave
Sick leave days may be used for absences due to an illness, injury, or medical appointment of the employee’s child, spouse, sibling, parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, or stepparent. Sick time must be accrued prior to use.
Sick Leave Accrual Rules and Eligible Use
Accrual Rules
Civil Service employees may be eligible to earn sick leave. Full time status employees, learners, and trainees earn leave while extra help and temporary civil service employees do not. Civil Service exempt employees and open range employees accrue one day per month. Part time employees earn sick leave pro-rated to their appointment percent. There is no limit to the amount of unused sick leave an employee may accumulate. Represented employees should consult their most recent collective bargaining agreement.
Changing Positions or Contracts
An employee who changes from a fiscal year to academic year appointment or who transfers from one position to another within the University will carry forward their unused sick balance that is considered accruable sick. Any granted time (either one-time grant or fiscal-year granted) will be forfeited at the time of the position change date.