EV Charging Station
Parking Services has a total of (3) EV Charging stations on the Edwardsville Campus, and (1) EV Charging station on the Alton SDM Campus. The charging stations on the Edwardsville campus are located in Lot A (north of Lovejoy Library), Lot B (west of the MUC), and Lot E (west of Dunham Hall). The Alton SDM location is in Lot A9 (east of the Advanced Care Clinic). Each Type 2 EV Charging Station will services two vehicles.
$2 per hour for first four hours then $5 per hour over four hours (paid through ChargePoint account. Visit the ChargePoint website for more information.
- $100 for non-EV vehicle parked in an EV space
- $20 for EV vehicle not actively charging