Normative Scholarship and Service Expectations of Faculty. Provost Memorandum 5/13/92
The following statement, developed and approved by the Deans and the Provost, is provided in accord with the Teaching Load Policy, WC#4-90/91, which became effective Fall Semester, 1993. The Policy states [l.a.]: "The maximum teaching load for faculty meeting normative research and service expectations will be three courses, not to exceed twelve hours per semester." The normative expectations for research and service for such a teaching load are set forth below. Faculty will be evaluated annually with respect to their teaching performance and their fullfillment of these scholarship and service expectations.
- To understand the University's Statement of Values and Statement of Mission and to appreciate their significance for the faculty member's scholarly and service activities at SIUE.
- To remain abreast of new developments in the subject field and to incorporate this new knowledge in course instruction, as specified in point 9 of the "Minimum Expectations of Faculty as Teachers" in the policy entitled Ethics of Instruction.
- To engage actively in research, scholarship or creative work which results periodically in products accessible to the larger community of scholars for review, comment, or use. Departmental curriculum development, faculty development, institutional research, and public service and consulting that do not result in products accessible to the larger community of scholars are not considered research.
- To provide leadership and service, with responsibility increasing commensurate with rank, to the department, school, and University in matters of curriculum and governance. Such leadership and service can take the form of active service on the Faculty Senate, special committees, program review bodies, and standing committees.
- To serve the larger community either through active involvement with the affairs of the individual's profession or by providing professional assistance to community groups. Service to the profession is typically provided through such activities as service on committees of professional organizations, reading papers for journals, and service on editorial boards. Service to the community may consist of such activities as providing expert advice and/or technical assistance. Paid consultancies are not considered public service.
- To attend and participate in departmental and school faculty meetings and to participate in the governance of the department and the school.
- To attend such ceremonial or University-wide events as Commencement, Honors Day, and Preview SIUE, on a shared basis.
- To participate in external and internal reviews of the unit's programs by accrediting agencies or University bodies.
- To participate in the review of administrative personnel and candidates for promotion and tenure as provided by University or unit policy.
- To provide student advisement, thesis guidance, independent study courses, and clinical supervision as appropriate to the unit.
The Teaching Load Policy further specifies [I.c.]: "Tenured faculty may elect to have a reduction in research and service expectations with an increase in teaching. For such faculty, the maximum teaching load will be four courses, not to exceed twelve hours per semester." In accordance with this provision, tenured faculty members may choose to be evaluated on the basis of reduced expectations regarding points 3, 4, and 5 above, in exchange for teaching a fourth course each semester.