The Professional Development Leave Policy, SIUE, was approved by the President January 21, 1981. The policy provides that it is to be implemented by the Chancellor in a manner consistent with the policies and practices of the Southern Illinois University System. The following guidelines and procedures have been approved by the Chancellor, SIUE, to implement the provisions of the Professional Development Leave Policy, SIUE.
- Professional development leaves shall not be granted for purposes traditionally associated with sabbatical leaves, i.e., those related to scholarly accomplishment and contribution to knowledge within disciplines or fields of study. By contrast they shall be directed to: enhancement of the effectiveness of the educational processes of the University; improvement of the professional performance of employees in carrying out assigned responsibilities; and, retraining and reorienting employees for new roles within the University.
- The duration of a professional development leave shall be governed by the requirements of the proposed activity, but shall not exceed one calendar year. Normally a leave shall not be granted for a period of less than one academic term.
- The work of a person who is granted professional development leave shall, during the period of the leave, be absorbed by the unit to which he/she is assigned.
- An application for professional development leave shall present a precise description of the purpose of the leave; the activities to be pursued; and, the nature of anticipated additional financial assistance outside the University, if any. I t shall also include a statement that the applicant recognizes an obligation to return to the University for a period of service at least equal to the leave, if granted.
- The application and supporting materials, if any, shall be submitted to the immediate supervisor of the applicant, i.e., to the chairperson, director, or dean, or, in the case of administrative staff personnel, to the comparable administrative officer.
- At each level of review, the appropriate administrative officer shall append a statement of approval or disapproval together with reasons for such determination, and shall notify the applicant of the action taken. The Vice Chancellor concerned shall notify the applicant of the final decision.
- If approval is granted, the department or other unit to which the applicant is assigned shall initiate the necessary change of assignment.
- Persons who are granted professional development leaves for the purpose of pursuing a program of study leading to credit either at SIUE or at other colleges or universities shall submit official transcripts of work accomplished. Such transcripts shall be submitted to the appropriate Vice Chancellor at the conclusion of each academic term in which the recipient of professional development leave is enrolled.
- Those persons who are granted professional development leave for the purpose of serving internships or participating in other forms of in-service professional training which do not carry academic credit shall submit periodic progress reports to the Vice Chancellor, in accordance with a schedule to be determined at the time leave is granted.
- The recipient of a professional development leave shall, at the conclusion of such leave, and in no case later than six months following completion, submit a written report to the Vice Chancellor of activities undertaken during the leave and consequent accomplishments.