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Tenure Policy and Guidelines, SIUE, October 4, 1994,
IV. Types of Faculty Appointments
- Tenured Appointments
A tenured appointment is held by a faculty member whose tenure has been ratified by the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University.
- Continuing and Tenure-Track Appointments
A continuing faculty appointment is an appointment which is automatically renewed each year unless the faculty member is given appropriate notice as specified in this policy. A tenure-track appointment is defined as a full-time continuing app ointment. A part-time continuing appointment is not a tenure-track appointment. A tenure-track appointment may be made only to the ranks of professor, associate professor, and assistant professor. An academic year appointment is for nine months; a fiscal year appointment is for twelve months. A tenure-track appointment may be made only to a position which is fully funded in the state appropriated base budget of the University or for which there is permanent support through non-state sources. All continuing faculty appointees are subject to annual adjustments in salary and other conditions of employment.
Notice of non-renewal of tenure-track faculty shall be given in writing as follows:
First appointment year - No fewer than 4 months prior to the expiration of the appointment.
Second appointment year - No fewer than 8 months prior to the expiration of the appointment.
Third and subsequent - No fewer than 12 months prior to appointment years the expiration of the appointment.
However, no notice period need exceed the length of the appointment.
The dean of the School or College in which the faculty member holds an appointment shall be responsible for ensuring that each tenure-track faculty member receives a copy of his/her annual evaluation in which progress toward tenure in a) teaching, b) scholarship, and c) service to the University and community is documented. The advice of the tenured faculty in the tenure granting unit must be sought in the preparation of this evaluation.
In the event of a decision not to renew an appointment, the faculty member shall be informed of the decision in writing. If the candidate so requests, the candidate shall be advised of the reasons which contributed to that decision. In addition, if the candidate so requests, the candidate shall be given a written statement of these reasons.
- Term Appointments
A term faculty appointment is a non-tenure track appointment. Term faculty appointments may be made to positions funded either by state or non-state funds. A term faculty appointment is for a specified period of time and expires at the end of the term stated in the notice of appointment; no separate notice of non-reappointment needs to be given for such an appointment. A term faculty appointment may be renewed; however, appointment or reappointment to a term position creates no right to subsequent renewal, reappointment, employment, or tenure.
The number of full-time term appointments in the tenure-granting units of the University shall not be greater than 10% of the total number of full-time equivalent faculty in the University.
Appointment or reappointment to a full-time term faculty position with the title of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor shall not exceed a total of seven years.
Appointment to a full-time or part-time term position that does not encompass the full range of faculty responsibilities is not subject to this seven year limitation; but reappointment beyond seven years requires the approval of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Academic titles of positions which do not include the full range of faculty responsibilities are clinical professor, clinical associate professor, clinical assistant professor, clinical instructor, instructor, lecturer, assistant-in, visiting professor, visiting associate professor, visiting assistant professor, visiting instructor, visiting research professor, resident artist, visiting artist, adjunct professor, adjunct associate professor, adjunct assistant professor, and adjunct instructor.
Should a faculty member who has served in a term position be appointed to a tenure-track position, that person's probationary period (see section VII.A.) for tenure may begin at the time of the appointment to the tenure-track position or may include all or part of the years of service in the non-tenure track position. In either case, the years included in the probationary period must be clearly specified in the initial tenure-track contract. Written evaluation of the faculty member for the period of the term appointment must be completed by the chair prior to approval of the tenure-track contract.
A faculty member whose appointment is changed from a term appointment to a continuing faculty appointment shall be subject to the conditions regarding continuing appointments.