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Tenure Policy and Guidelines, SIUE, October 4, 1994,
IX. Procedures for Reviewing Faculty for Consideration for Tenure
- The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall recommend to the Chancellor, for the Chancellor's approval, school procedures and criteria which shall be followed in making tenure decisions in that school. The dean shall approve procedures and criteria to be used by tenure granting units within the school, which shall be in accord with those approved by the Chancellor. Procedures and criteria shall be consistent with Board of Trustees policy and the SIUE Tenure Policy and Guidelines.
- The dean or director shall provide all persons appointed to tenure-track positions with a copy of the appropriate unit and school procedures and criteria for tenure.
- Responsibility for evaluating candidates for tenure shall begin with the tenured faculty in the appropriate unit. Additional tenure reviews will take place at the following levels in the University: 1) the unit chair (if the school is divided into tenure granting units), 2) the school committee (if one exists), 3) the dean, 4) the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and 5) the Chancellor. The candidate shall receive written notification at the end of the decision making process at each level.
- Appropriate documentation materials must be transmitted to each review level referenced in IX.C. above and X.A., X.B., and X.C. below.
- Candidates may request a meeting with the chair of the unit to discuss their annual review and midpoint evaluation and to discuss mutual goals and objectives.
- At the end of the decision-making process at each level, the written recommendation of each level shall be made available to the candidate.
- In the event of a decision to recommend that tenure not be granted, the faculty member shall be informed of the decision in writing. If the candidate so requests, the candidate shall be advised of the reasons which contributed to that decision and upon request, the candidate shall be given a written statement of these reasons.
- The advice of the tenured faculty members in the unit must be solicited in tenure recommendations. Tenure shall be granted only upon the positive recommendation of the unit in which the faculty member holds academic rank, in conformity with that unit's written policy, except in cases in which a determination is made by the Chancellor, or a court of law, that a negative recommendation was based upon race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, or other legally prohibited criteria. In such cases the Chancellor may recommend tenure subject to ratification by the Board of Trustees. A determination of discrimination may be made directly by the Chancellor or upon acceptance by the Chancellor of such a recommendation pursuant to the regular faculty grievance provisions of the University upon complaint by the affected faculty member. (See XI.)